Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Really put the SHOW in TALENT SHOW

This week we worked hard and then Saturday night we had the branch talent show. It was actually fun! At first we were nervous because out of nowhere this group showed up and set up a bunch of expensive looking equipment and we were like, "Who invited and will be paying for them???" and turns out they’re members.... just..... not on Sundays. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They sang some traditional Chilean songs, and it was neat. Videos attached.
 We also participated for a hot second and did a stupid little act where I was the arms of Hermana Hansen while she broke eggs and mixed flour and stuff in like a little cooking thing. I dun know how to explain it well, but it was pretty funny.

Sunday, we were sitting in Sacrament meeting when in walks one of the most fliate tipos that I’ve seen. And then my companion was like, "THAT¨S ALEJANDRO!" Shouted in a whisper because we were in a reverent place. He said afterwards that he wants to change his life and he’s pretty sure that the Church is where he can do it. So he rode his bike like 5 miles to church. Alone. In the Cold. At 10:00 in the morning. Permiso - al agua por fis. Feel free to pray for him. And also Bruno, because that boy gon’ be baptized!

We worked the rest of the week. Obviously. We’re missionaries and all that.
Also a bird pooped on my companion. So rude.

One of the things I notice in my studies of the Holy Bible is that (almost always) the words Christ says to heal people are commands, which, if obeyed bring blessings and healing. Interesting. The commandments really are for our benefit. ; for example, in the miracle of the lame man healed on the Sabbath (John 5) Christ says to the man, "Rise, Take up thy bed and walk" (a command). The man could have said, "What are you crazy, I just told you I can’t walk even to the pool!?" But he decided to be obedient to Christ and got right up. Also I love the story of the blind man in John 9. So good. That guy is legendary.

Will you guys also be obedient and receive the power of Christ to become whole? Pls do it.

That is all.
-Hermana Baer

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

I Don’t Even Like Fish

This week we ate the most expensive salmon I’ve ever had. And what are the odds that it was cooked in lemon caper sauce?? It was good and terrible. If only fish weren’t so fishy.

This week we taught our new and amazing investigator named Bruno. He’s 10 and tan maquina! He basically taught US the first lesson. Also he’s going to teach us how to make paper cranes. :)

Also, we found a baby dog (puppy?) It was tiny and also so cute and it was just shivering so hard and it followed us around and then we took photos. oops. Defs gonna have fleas. The next day in the Multi-zona, the Mission’ doctor had a presentation about the dangers of street dogs and was like, "DO NOT TOUCH THE DOGS! You’ll get rabies!"
And I said 🙃 @ me next time.

Talking of the Multizona, it was pretty good. They showed us an amazing video that’s called "Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom." It really stuck with me what he said at the end, "If you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police." How true! Religion is freedom. I do love freedom. It also reminded me of what Pahoran said to Moroni in Alma 61, that the spirit of God is also the Spirit of Freedom. God is great like that.
Then right after that President was like, "Now we will take a slightly longer break while you all get your immunization shots. 😀. " They literally pulled back a curtain to reveal a nurse and all her pointy needle things. What a treat. Also, there are no bandaids here. It’s just cotton taped to your arm. #blessed

I’m reading in the Holy Bible right now. I like it a lot. What would you say if I told you I think that in John 6 the miraculous feeding of the five thousand is also symbolic of the restoration?? Am I as crazy as I think I am, it’s very possible that yes.
The gospel is so perfect. I think it’s probably true.

Okay. nuff words. let’s see the photos.



 Poor quality videos of the Plaza de Temuco

Hermana Hansen thought it was on that setting where it takes a picture when you smile.... little did she know...

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Do Chickens Have Large Talons?

* refers to this Napoleon Dynamite scene.

12 June 2018

This week:

-It rained more

-We found BRUNO! He’s 10 and he wants to be baptized.

-We had lunch with algunos viejitos, son TAN tiernos, y tan locos, pero tan buenos...tan amables... this older member couple always gives us lunch one day of the week, and they always, always give us an enormous bowl of boiling hot soup, and then afterwards an even more enormous plate with a roulette mix of mashed potatoes or rice with an egg or a hot dog. What a delicious treat. We are so grateful for the members who give to us so abundantly. They just show their love and devotion through food. The secret to eating it all is that you put half of it in your napkin😛.
But this week, the menu was soup, rice, and egg, but......they just put the uncooked egg right onto the rice and we said, "Oh my, Hermanita, it looks.............wow. delicious."

And then we just couldn’t help but recall that part of Napoleon Dynamite where he works at the chicken farm. 🙃 Eggs is good eatin’.

-A Missionary from our Sector returned from his mission and is now working with us a Tons. His name is Byron. That is not a lie.

-We had district conference. It was good! I have resumed my reading in La Santa Biblia and I like it a lot. That Jesus guy sure teaches good. But seriously. The parables are so cool. It’s neat that all that Christ taught like a million years ago still applies to us. I love especially the parable of the sower. Truth is, problems like rocks, thorns, hard ground, or anything else that might prevent us from receiving the gospel seed can be removed with work, faith, and the application of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Additionally, the same natural elements, like the scorching sun, that killed one seed, helped another to grow into a strong, and fruitbearing tree. or ......."a shrub!"

 Anyways. See you all in a little while.

-Hermana Baer

That ain’t fog. That’s smoke.

She just sneezed. Don’t worry. it’s not permanent.

The bus ride entering part of Temuco. I hope it works and it’s not too barfy.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Something tells me that you’re all wet

It’s raining here in the south. So I bought the rain boots of a 5 year old. Because turns out my feet are still abnormally small for Chile.

But that didn’t stop us from MAQUINANDO. The rama had an activity about Family History. They built a little Temple and it was all very nice. We saw some of the Haitian investigators there too!

Then we got back to knocking doors and taking names.

Oh yeah, we had Cambios and Hermana Hansen and I will continue working in TOLHUACA. We have an investigator that I just wanna baptize SO BAD. His name is Glixie Elvis Lagos something something. He is so so fabulous.

We are working so hard to help him understand the importance of the Gospel.

In my studies, I’ll be finishing the Book of Mormon in SPANISH. wow. que fuerte. it’s basically the same as English, but with more ¡ and ¿

Something that I noticed this week was that Mormon and Moroni and amazing. Also that in Mormon 5: 17-18 we learn the clear and obvious difference between Christ as a guiding shepherd and Satan as a vindictive Dictator. Maybe sometimes we feel restricted by commandments but the truth is you have the commandments and you have your agency. Also, Satan hates your agency. The Gospel is freedom. Wickedness never was happiness/freedom.

Be free. But not too free

-Hermana Baer

Here are some terrible photos of us after THE MOST ENORMOUS LUNCH OF MY LIFE EVERY SATURDAY. I was literally DYING. and Also at the activity. Please have mercy and only post the best photos. pls. pls bae.