Tuesday, June 19, 2018

I Don’t Even Like Fish

This week we ate the most expensive salmon I’ve ever had. And what are the odds that it was cooked in lemon caper sauce?? It was good and terrible. If only fish weren’t so fishy.

This week we taught our new and amazing investigator named Bruno. He’s 10 and tan maquina! He basically taught US the first lesson. Also he’s going to teach us how to make paper cranes. :)

Also, we found a baby dog (puppy?) It was tiny and also so cute and it was just shivering so hard and it followed us around and then we took photos. oops. Defs gonna have fleas. The next day in the Multi-zona, the Mission’ doctor had a presentation about the dangers of street dogs and was like, "DO NOT TOUCH THE DOGS! You’ll get rabies!"
And I said 🙃 @ me next time.

Talking of the Multizona, it was pretty good. They showed us an amazing video that’s called "Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom." It really stuck with me what he said at the end, "If you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police." How true! Religion is freedom. I do love freedom. It also reminded me of what Pahoran said to Moroni in Alma 61, that the spirit of God is also the Spirit of Freedom. God is great like that.
Then right after that President was like, "Now we will take a slightly longer break while you all get your immunization shots. 😀. " They literally pulled back a curtain to reveal a nurse and all her pointy needle things. What a treat. Also, there are no bandaids here. It’s just cotton taped to your arm. #blessed

I’m reading in the Holy Bible right now. I like it a lot. What would you say if I told you I think that in John 6 the miraculous feeding of the five thousand is also symbolic of the restoration?? Am I as crazy as I think I am, it’s very possible that yes.
The gospel is so perfect. I think it’s probably true.

Okay. nuff words. let’s see the photos.



 Poor quality videos of the Plaza de Temuco

Hermana Hansen thought it was on that setting where it takes a picture when you smile.... little did she know...

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