Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I've just sucked one year of your life away...*

*[Title refers to this moment in Princess Bride] 

Except that it didn’t suck that bad..... There may have been some tears, but the good kind. With lots of salt.

How does that make you feel? All I can say is, has it been that long already?? And I feel like yes and no.....

Day to day life in the mission is long and many times tedious, but overall, I think it’s pretty okay.

This week:
-We worked in the Sector Curacautin and found what we like to call una buscadora, or someone who is literally just waiting for someone to share the gospel. Literally she said, Oh wow, I’m going to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. It sounds like it’s really something I’ve been looking for.
And we said, "Probs true dat. Give it a shot or whatevs. Also church Sunday if you want." and she said, "Great, I’ll see if I can find a skirt."
Awesome. We’ll just wait to get the baptismal invitations. It’s good to know there are people who really are looking for the gospel. Also.... The Book of Mormon changes lives and answers questions. I promise you, and I do mean YOU!

-My compy was much sick this week. Good news is the area book is in ship shape.

-We just keep plugging along. good times. Weird.

NEWS: we will be helping with the temple open house! I will 100% be in Concepcion in the temple the 18th of September....... so if anyone wants to mosey on down south and take some hermanas to lunch y’all know where we’re at....;) Nah just kidding. pls don’t.
Just do it for the nice missionaries in your own wards.

That is all. See you in 6 months. Crazy.

 Hermanerm Baer 2.0

- a big little guy.

Flamy. Is that english I see??

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