Friday, August 10, 2018

Words. Words. Words.

[The title could reference this.  Or this.  Or maybe even this.]

¿Hola, como estai? 
Bien, po, y tu? 
Bien gracias a Dios. 
. . . 

-Conversation in the street with any given Chileno. Always.

This week we worked for a long time. But that’s okay. Then we went to CONCE and partied with disculpe, learned from Presidente and Hermana May. Que rico el jugo... na, I’m just kidding - it was awesome and I learned a lot.

 It also rained a lot. like...... A lot.

Someone once asked me about some turning points in my mission. For me, I had a compañera who was just sa dang REAL. She was so straightforward, but also loving and really hardworking. My companion, unlike the others I’d had, was quick and cheerful to say that she didn’t understand or didn’t know everything and had faults, and so I felt that a lot of the pressure to be perfect went away and I could ask for help when I needed it. Also, a lot of really crazy things seemed to always happen with her, so we were always doing weird things that put us in situations that I was never expecting. But this taught me really fast that I had to be myself and also look for the guidance of the spirit because I can do a lot of hard things, but only the spirit can help me do what I need to do as a missionary. I also kind of realized at that point in my mission that I can work really hard and be really stressed about the insanity, or I can work really hard and not worry as much about what will happen Also, I discovered that the people who are looking for the gospel are going to find it, and if they really want to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized, they’re gonna do it, dain it! So.... I’ll do my part to invite everyone, and God through the Holy Ghost will help the people who want it make it happen!

So... my mission changed when I learned to chill a little, I guess.

This last Cambio as well taught me to finally like the mission. I had companions that I really loved, but I never loved the people or (dare I say it??) Chile.... gasp. But last cambio, I had some amazing experiences in my sector that taught me to really enjoy the mission and love Chile for and a pesar de los debilidades o cosas que todavía no entiendo. (I can’t remember those words in English??? SOS  [Despite the weaknesses or things that I still do not understand.]) It was hard to leave Tolhuaquita. . . and be just in the other half of the pueblo. tan cerca... tan freaking lejos. jaja.

But the good news is I’m fine.

The work is good.

Thanks for reading so many words.
Serve yourself to some fotos.

Red sky in the morning.... something something...

Did we already say that Bruno got baptized?

Mary Poppins?

These boots weren’t made for walking...

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