Tuesday, July 31, 2018

*Screams in Spanish

* [screams in Spanish]

What the heck? Is it that time already?

We are literally flying people... or as the Chileans say: o sea... andai vola´o, compadre??

This week:

-Our buddy pal Bruno got baptized!! Sadly, he lives on the other side of the train tracks, so we could only visit for one hot second.

 -We spoke with aprox. 13 Haitianos. They all said they would go to church. Soooooo.... We will see.

-We found a lot of people with great potential. Also, we worked hard. Don't worry.

uummmmmmmmmm I gotta go.

 Fotos to be seen next week....."sorry" about that...

-Hermana Baer (ish)

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