Thursday, July 19, 2018

Could you please just bring it back down to an 11?

I, like, just need life to stop attacking me pl, for like, one hot second? The disrespect is UNRILLL.

But so much has happened I don't even know where to start??

Bullet points(ish)

-ALEJANDRO TOTES GOT BAPTIZED!!! it was basically the biggest miracle of all time in the history of like ever, bc he showed up an hour late to his interview, and also because he lives in the campo we could never verify that he hadn’t actually drunk coffee for breakfast, so it we were like, We’ll just start filling up the font with a lot of faith.... Then everything worked out perfectly and he hadn’t had tea or coffee for 2 weeks. I guess that’s just because the church is true or whatever. God loves His children. REPENTANCE IS SO FREAKING REAL, PEOPLE.

-We moved houses. That was crazy banana pants. But then the Elders helped us for a hot second and we all went to lunch afterwards. Delish.

-We moved into our house, and then we moved out because CAMBIOS means that they took the Hermanas out of Tolhuaca. Now we’re in Victoria.... which is just the other side of the tracks from Tolhuaca. But also... I’M TRAINING PEOPLE. SOS. pls send halp. I was losing my mind nugget for a hot second. Every second of everyday. Mostly because of new sector, new missionary, new rama, new everything. So many blessings all at once... how thoughtful... So it’s just me and Hermana Cepeda in the new house. #prayers

Soooo we left Hermana Hansen in San Pedro. Now there are only 2 Elders in Tolhuaca, and 2 Hermanas in Victoria. #Downsizing?? But not before we took some hot couples pics in the countryside :)) Then also some with the Elders of Tolhuaquita as well. Toodles, y’all. It’s been real, it’s been fun........

On the spiritual side of things, mostly I just know that God hears our prayers, even if they’re just loud, internal screaming; be it reverent or maybe less reverent.... But it’s okay. That’s why He’s God and we’re just practicing. I also read recently that "Service is the only measure of true greatness." So... Amen?

PHOTOS: -We were so happy those days...#WalkingSisters #Walknomore

Meet Alejandro Maximo Huenchullan Quilapan. #futurebabynames

Bye bye Tolhuaca Crew.

(Coming soon:...Hello Victoria Gals.)

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