Friday, July 6, 2018

Birthdays and Palos all around!!

3 July 2018

Cue the footage of Americans walking on the moon. America the Beautiful plays

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA. I do love America, but recently something strange has been happening.......
I also like South America, the slightly shorter, more spicy cousin of Sweet Sweet Free Country USA?? Weird right?
But we will be celebrating the 4th with as much American gusto as we can mustard.

This week:
Bruno moved to YUMBEL (curse you San Sebastian!!) 
But thanks to your magic prayers, he’s going to come back to be baptized this Saturday. #thetruechurch #Tolhuaca

Alejandro, our best most flaite compadre, o sea investigador tan maquina si cachai, wanted to get baptized even sooner, so, pray for his date: 14 of July. He’s kind of like a precious unicorn, so, we’ll see what happens.

We’re teaching an amazing FAMILY if you can believe it, their names are Patricio and Claudia, and they like the Plan of Salvation. They said they’d like to know a little more before being baptized, so hang in there everyone.

Also, all these good things are happening and more are on the way. Hermana Hansen and I (#The Walking Sisters) are praying to stay together and see all the miracles we’ve got coming! Join us pls.

Today we had a conference in which Elder Packer (jr) and his wife came and visited only the southern halfish of the mission, and it was only for an hour, so there was much speculation, and for a hot second many people thought we would be splitting the mission and joining Osorno, but thank goodness he only came to dar Palos o sea chew us out a little bit. But in a good constructive way guided by the spirit. Which was kind of the focus - that the missionaries need to teach better with the spirit. It was good.

Eve Alexandra Baer
We keep having good things happen here in Tolhuaca, the work is always a little crazy, and that’s why I know it’s true. Also there was an earthquake for a hot second one night. Bien fuerte, de hecho. We were like... "What do we do?" and we just decided to stay in bed.

Also, congrats to all the old people who had children! Your little offspring look cute! Nice work all around. We’ve been praying for little Eve, so it’s good to know prayers are answered.

God loves families. How has your relationship with Christ strengthened your relationship with your family?
You may begin writing....NOW.  [from the BBC Look Around you Maths episode]

-Hermana Baer

The Tolhuaca Crew eating delicious Peruvian food.
(From Left to Right: SOY YO, the Fabulous Hna Hansen (Taylorsville), Elder Cachiguango (Ecuador), Elder Hartvigsen (Utah).

My companion eating delcious Peruvian food.

Blurry bus photos again....

The day of Interviews. I’m blurring the lines between scarves and blankets.

Élder Packer con los sureños

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