Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Who turned out the sun?

This week:

It was fun. There were animals and Catholics everywhere! Then we accidentally walked like 3 hours in the dark to get to the bus stop (10.6 kilometers... #LegDay). Good times.
But it was actually pretty deep and spiritually metaphorical, and we saw an enormous shooting star. Testimonies were strengthened.

We also went to a little town called Curacautin to find nuevos, and we did! But they don’t want to be baptized yet?? wierd.

But Bruno wants to be baptized. He didn’t quite do it yet because he was in the hospital for a hot second, but this week for sure. July 14. Sí o Sí.

Also Alejandro. What a champ. He was like, "What do I need to bring to my baptism?" and we said, "Only your delightful presence." So hold on to ya buns for this Saturday. :) Or maybe pray, because we have a testimony of that stuff.

Also, we’ll just be hanging in there for Cambios. Nobody knows what could happen. But we hope that we stay together. :)

In other news, I encourage everyone to read the parable of the laborers in the vineyard and then the talk of the same name by Elder Holland. It blew my tiny mind nugget. :))) I love it.

We did Celebrate the 4th of July o sea America’s Birthday!! We had rootbeer floats, sang patriotic songs, and then worked in stripes and the color red. It rained. Hard. So that was a bonus. We hart

Someone asked for photos, soooooo.... We went nuts. Any questions? :o]

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