Wednesday, February 6, 2019

You only YOLO once

Well, well, well....

It has been a real doosy this whole mission thing. I would love to tell you all about it, but turns out I’ll just be doing that on the 24th of February anyways, so you are all invited to come and listen.

BIG FIRE... FO HOT SUMMAS DAAAY... that is me to the sun. It was like 42 degrees [107.6 F] ALL DAY UNTIL 10 PM this weekend. A real treat if ya know what I mean. But cool. It’s fine.

We tried to teach our best friend Deisi, but in the end.... she never showed up. Sorry Deisi, I guess you’ll just have to wait for a hot second before being baptized. But Thanks to everyone else who prayed rull hard that she would make a good decision. Agency is fun like that -- you never can tell what one might do.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all my frens and flamy who have supported, prayed and been amazing back in Sweet Sweet Free Country USA. And also to all those who sent nice letters and emails, some days it makes the difference to know that there is someone out there thinking about you! Thank you so much! See you all very soon!

Anyways, I really just am gonna go disfrutar my last P Day in Los Angeles with all my friends. Sorry not Sorry. I will peace out with my testimony that only Christ and His Atonement are what make the changes in our lives. If we even are just willing to TRY to repent and be better, He will provide the way we can do just that. The best. I have a testimony of the Restoration and that Joseph Smith is a prophet called of God. Also, we have one of those prophet guys today who does a great job leading Christ’s church.

Okay... so next week stay tuned for my Sequel Blog: Dogs Rampage the Night: a comprehensive guide for future missionaries in the mission Chile Concepcion Sur

God Bless America and also CHILE!!

(I can’t send photos right now because I think this is windows 1999, yet another hidden treasure of Chile... so I’ll just upload them later and pretend that they were from today. :))

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