Thursday, January 31, 2019

Wheezes: "Get arff mi lawrn"

Direct quote from Hermana Hancock yelling at a small dog taking a poop on our front lawn... The accent was unintentional as was the asthmatic wheeze at the end of the sentence. She’s a beautiful land mermaid, and everything she says is priceless. I feel #so_blessed to have been her companion in this the last cambio of my mission.

 -Deisi is probably just gonna get herself baptized. She can do this. #prays

-Hermana Hancock developed SEVERE allergies here in the campo so we went to Los Angeles to the Doctor and they gave her an inhaler which is actually just looks like a vape. It’s perfect. We hope she recovers soon.

-We found an amazing little family from Santiago who wants to know more about the gospel. Also we found them because they have uh-mazing taste in music and it is Latin culture to share your music with the entire barrio by blasting it as loud as possible. I will miss that. We’ll see what happens with Joselyn, Cristofer, and their brother whose name I can’t remember, (sry) and Madre Evelyn.

-We found another AMAZING GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR named ROSA!!! ..... she’s also from Santiago. boo you Santaigo you selfish little city, you. But she’s SO READY to receive the gospel and make sacred covenants with the Lord! Hopefully we can finish her teaching and then she can just show up ready to get baptized in Santiago... with.... the Santiago Missionaries... ugh. barf. :)

- One time we threw a tiny stick through the open window in the Hermana’s room and they DIED of fright. It was funny. You probably had to be there. We do have fun in the mission. #autosuficientes

-We bought 5 kilos of strawberries.

IN MY STUDIES this week, something I liked demasiado was that CHRIST CAME TO AMERICA PEOPLE. Don’t forget it. I was studying so many good things from the Sermon on the Mount (SUD). I love it. please do compare it with Mateo 5. Also, there I was thinking about the Atonement and Christ and how he suffered for our sins and pains and how even thinking bad things kind of counts as a sin... and also receiving revelation that Christ maybe also suffered all of our temptations - all the bad things that we would ever want to do as well. And that’s why he can be the only one to show us the way because he knows both paths, the wrong one that we might take as well as the one that we should. As One exposed to wrong and as the Only One who never chose it, He can show us the only way to overcome such temptations. That’s another whole level of Expiacion right there. Dunno if that’s doctrine, or just speculation, or really even good English. Just a thought.
-See "Perfection Pending" by Presidente Nelson for some inspired Insight on Matthew 5:48 and Perfection!! SO GOOD.

okay, y’all. It’s been real. it’s been fun.... you know the rest.
The rest..... is silence.

Happy little mountains of Mininco.

Also Hermana Hancock.

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