Wednesday, January 2, 2019


2019, BABY

It’s gonna be big. You all heard President Nelson say something like, "Take your vitamins..." DO IT.

Anyways, I only have like 3 minutes bc #Chile <3 but I just want you all to know that it was good to see everyone for Christmas! I love Christmas. I can testify of the words of my someday Compañera Hermana Baer who said that the true joy of Christmas is the Redemption of Mankind. So good. Here in Chile Santa is called Viejito Pascuero... which one can more or less translate to Old Easter Man.... which is uncomfy until one remembers that IT'S JESUS. #vamosPascua o sea en chile #Vamo_Pacua

And also as my companion said we must be honest... I did not finish the book of mormon on time... :o((( but I have faith in repentance. I love the Book of Mormon, and I just love to get lost in my studies. And then I read slow.... Lame. But I promise that the BOM is true!! We visited a Menos Active member recently who said something really interesting, that while reading the entire Book of Mormon for the first time, she was disappointed by how unhappy or grim some of the things that happened were... We could only testify that the Book of Mormon is actually a joyous testimony of Christ’s Love for His children, and that when we see the sadness of the BOM we can enjoy the firm knowledge of the peace of the Atonement. Read. The. Book. Of. Mormon.

Okay. Happy New Year! May you all enjoy your nocheviejo if you kachai,

Service at Deisi’s house

Christmas Fruits

Ya ever seen onea these bad boiz? ( You must use....THE BIKE! Maybe a quote from Princess Diaries 2 or something... not sure...)

Our.... zona.... for x mass

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