Thursday, January 24, 2019

Butt or Gut?

This week’s letter will be a shout-out to the Chilean transportation system. Thank you for all you do. And also don’t do. Champs.

BUTT OR GUT: The fun game we play on the tiny micros (buses) everyday: Will I be assaulted by someone’s poto or guatita? sometimes both. You never know.

More like HIS-panicking, am I right? That one time when Hermana Hancock’s wallet emptied itself on a crowded bus and we both panic-scrambled to collect credit cards and important documents.
We die a little more everyday on the micro. Rife is Lough on the street. (I decided that would probably be my tattoo of choice.) I love it so much. I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything. Only Christ and my companion know the things that we’ve seen on the micros. =D

Mostly this week was a rull bummer actually. Deisi dived (¿dove? ?¿? ¿doved?) off the deep end. Ask me about it later. Also everyone else was like, "Actually, I’m not really interested in my salvation right now. it’s lunch time and I have to be anywhere but here..." Sooooo basically the normal mission.

We are teaching a fabulous old lady named Irene, who is probably a golden investigator. She almost fell out of her chair when we explained that God, Christ, and the Holy ghost were 3 different people and then was stoked to learn about someone "as brave and wise as Joseph Smith. He’s got to be an inspired young man." I love it. Makes up for all the other sad things. I love sharing the restuaracion, because it just blows people’s mind nugget. So true. Everyone knows it, they’re just afraid that it will change their life too much.

What else is there??
It’s hot.
In my personal study I LOVE THE NEW TESTAMENT and also the book of Mormon. So many good things happen in LUKE 2. I love the part where Christ was lost for a hot second (or rather 3 days)... and then they found Him in the temple... kind of like that one time where Christ was lost to the world for 3 days... and then we can find him whenever we want in the temple... strange little coincidence there.... ..... ...
I testify that bad things do happen. But also, the best thing ever happened, CHRIST’S ATONEMENT! so even when we feel alone in our mistakes, or we don’t know how to superar all the problems and thing that are going wrong in life, or it’s 97 degrees outside, we can always know that Christ did it first and paved the way for us to follow. neat.

K. Well the end is near. so... that’s all for now. Got a lot a stuff ta do. thx.

--Hermana Baer

WHAT ARE THOOOOSE?? Tan lines. I’m not even wearing a white shirt under my shirt.

This Dog is meeeeeeee.

This is a horrible foto. Sry. the only face I have.

One more of Hna Hancock

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