Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The suspense is.......KILLING me.

Wait I’m dumb and forgot to tell everyone about CAMBIOS

But just admit that it’s way more fun when you have no idea what’s going on. That’s what I always do.

OKAY so I’m STILL HERE IN TIJERAL yayyayayay for the fact that we are going to machine here. Pray for Deisi, our most haunted and wonderful friend who still really wants to be baptized!! She’s changing her life. Slowly, slowly...but, hurry, but slowly.... yay. BUT Hermana Judkins was transferred to PITRUFQUEN to train a new hermana! Pitrufquen is like.... really far away. que disfrute de Temuco, mi chiquilla.
Now I’m with Hermana Hancock from Arizona! She has 4 months in the mission and is fabulous. Just imagine Donna (from Parks and Rec). Fun.

Erm, also this week I’ve begun marking my small scriptures (Thanks Family!) after like... 10 weeks of being afraid to write in ‘em. I wuv it. so tiny, so true.
In my personal adventures through old Liahonas in la casa, I found a story called "A Lesson from Dandy" by Pres. David O McKay. I love that also. #Same #I’mDandy Read it if you can.
Also I’ve been listening to all of President Nelson’s old talks. I LOVELOVELOVE one called "Set in Order thy House" 10 out of 10 would recommend. Also "Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women" @ all_boys_everywhere. thx. #OldieGoldies

I know the gospel is true. I have at last overcome my inhibitions of sharing the gospel to the point where I can tell people in their faces they have to repent of their sins. Cool. the Atonement changes lives. I have seen it. I invite YOU to see it in your life!!

k. thx. bi.... or amen or whatever.

FOTOS - Hna Hancock en el Campo!
why the heck don’t I take more fotos?? sry. I’ll work on it. 

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