Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A treasure trove of linguistic anomalies

Title references this clip from Oscar.
That is what I have become. I speak no language. Also Chile is a treasure trove of weirdness. But I love it. Except that it’s a bit toasty outside right now. Like 32 degrees C. hot. There are no ACs either. noice.

okay, this week.... We worked a lot! We had an amazing Multi-zona... the last one. I gave my final testimony in front of all my friends. Sad. You can see it if you want... it’s just what I know to be true.

Today for P-DAY we went to a little secret lake in the mountains that is shaped like a heart! se llama Las Canteras. It was fun! And High adventure! A lot of unguarded cliff sides to fall off of.

Ummm. This coming week. we wanna baptize DEISI the 26. With your prayers, she can do this! She has made some big changes in her life, and she is ready to get baptized.

Okay, trunky thought: A lot of times we are in situations where we can only think, "What the heck, God, why is this happening? Maybe just GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" but I promise that perseverance is power! Looking back at my mission, the good and the much bad, I can honestly say that maybe each day was a hot mess, and I didn’t love every second, but the friends I made, the people I met, and the good I tried to do was worth it. Hang in there everyone who is in something hard or unpleasant. You WILL meet someone who will love you or need you. Maybe even CHRIST. sooooo. eso. I know that hard things happen. I know that they happen so that we can grow. The experiences I had in the mission taught me to love the Atonement.

Okay. ready. See you all rull soon! in the snowwww.... cold?

The elders and hermanas from my group! (except for Hermana Ellis. Sad)

Las Canteras!

A ghetto bridge... you may or may not recognize it from earlier fotos?

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