Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tis the Season to be Jawrry

RA RA RA RA....!

I love A Christmas Story.

I love THE Christmas Story even more!!

FIRST OF ALL: Thanks to all the friends and family who sent birthday wishes - It was a good day! The zone made me a surprise breakfast party. So nice of them. The APs even showed up. #Legendary jaja just kidding. But they were there.... sooooo... ¿quien quiere dar jugo?

Also we got the goods during the interview this week!! Thanks for all the beautiful things you sent, family. The lights are hung o sea taped above my bed much like visions of sugar plums (or something) dancing in my.... head?? I can´t remember the poem thing. Bummer. #Grinch

And Dad, who sent me a princess wand. I don´t know how you knew.

Thanks for the book.... Which I read. oops. But it was extremely inspired and actually answered an oddly specific personal question I´ve had for years. Go figure. I wuved it.

One of my favorite insights was about the Wise Men, who in Luke 2 visit the Christ Child, and get to know him when they enter His house.... And then how us as Wise men and women have the chance to get to know Christ as we enter HIS HOUSE which is the Temple!!! So good. So many good things happened in the book and in my subsequent studies.

I´m also still reading in the Book of Mormon... which I HOPPEEE I will finish before the end of the year.... even though I´m still definitely in Alma... #withFAITH

In other news.... You can all keep praying for my BFF Silvana. She´s going through some stuff. Hard stuff. Also Daisy. Who wants to be baptized on January 5, but..... is being LITERALLY attacked by Satan. Literally. More about that in Februrary.

Also our new friends Rosa and Jordan who now have a baptismal date for Jan 19!! yay!! Go them! Oh and Tina who says she also wants to be baptized Jan 5... yay.

Okay I gotta run, but I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and can remember that Christ IS the sacrifice. He was in the Manger, He was on the Cross, He´s no longer in those places, now He can be in our hearts, homes, and actions as we serve Him and His children this year!!

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