Thursday, December 13, 2018

A good Cucumber like me

Remember that one Veggie Tales song about Larry waiting for Santa, and then like, a Robber and a Banker and maybe a Viking show up?? I can’t remember if it’s funny or not, but I think maybe so...?

I always try to be the best cucumber I can be... Also I’m waiting for Christmas, so I was just relating a lot to that Silly Song.

This week an oddly large amount of stuff happened. We went and sang Christmas Carols at the hospital as a zone. It was.... frightening and also strangely uplifting. Actually, it was a pretty special experience. The head nurse even came down to say thanks. It was neat to watch people listening and feeling something different, even for a hot second. Also, it was great because nobody could run away if they didn’t like it. #visiting the sick and afflicted #whether they like it or not :]

Then we had an intercambio that was 200% inspired. Every single one of my weirdly specific personal questions was addressed and answered but unexpected sources. #God is not dead nor does he sleep

Also during the intercambio, a new Hermana told me that Parachute pants are coming in style. That made me sad. Please don’t tell me it’s true... plsss #OhPleaseNotNow

Then we had a nice activity in the Plaza about Ilumina el Mundo :) . Then some preachers showed up and started yelling at us... All in good fun, they assured us. But it’s okay, the activity was still fun and successful! Gospel is still true, y’all. Just gotta get that opposition in all things.

Daisy, one of my favorite PCI asked if she could get baptized and we said, "well yes if you go to church and live the gospel." And she said, "Great, let’s all go together Sunday morning!!" And then we went to her house in the morning and she wasn’t there and I was a little grumbly because..... you know me.... but we called her and she was like, "Hermanas, I’m already in the church!!" And I made a speedy repentance. And now Daisy will probably be baptized December 29 Soooo pray that she is okay and that nothing bad happens to her por mientras.

Also please to pray for my favorite recent convert Silvana, who has been bombarded by Satan, but only because she is too good for this world. Literally the best. Poor girl.

Sharing Ilumina el Mundo has helped me a lot realize that small things really are the big things in the eyes of God. How can the time we share with others be so big for them or us, and also so small in an eternal plan. But still immensely important in the big scheme of things... Time is weird. But it’s the most precious gift we can give to those around us.

talking of Gifts...
What gift would Christ ask you to give Him this year? Would you be willing to do it?? can you ahem... prove it? o sea... will you do it?

Kay thanks.

-our house

-the view from our house when it was raining

-I decided I like the sappy graffiti after all.

Singing at the Hospital...

Pictures of an activity in the plaza

That’s my foot and skirt at the activity in the plaza!! :P

waaaaiiittt two funny stories... I literally already sent you a photo of me with the graffiti like 3 months ago.... AND I’M WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT ??? is it a sign? Freaking Hermana Baer.

Also... Hermana Salmeron’s Brother got married and she sent me a video of his wedding party and I HAVE TO SHARE IT WITH YOU because Mexico is the BEEEESSSTTT. try to one up this bad boy for your Ward Christmas Party. I dare you.

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