Saturday, December 1, 2018

Turkey Bae

26 November 2018

Turns out when there are a lot of Gringos in your zone you DO celebrate Thanksgiving!! We had a P-day Potluck and I made crumb cake (thanks mom for brown sugar :) ) others brought brownies and potatoes, and some wonderful Elder made CORN BREAD!!! The only thing we forgot was the turkey.... but even so it was a happy day.

OHRIGHT cambios!! did I already say that I’m now with Hna Judkins from Oregon? She sings nice. And loves to touch all the animals. #pulgas [fleas] <3

In other news... It’s hot now these days. I got roasted by the sun in a service project. But it was worth it because the hno went to church people. I repeat HE WENT TO CHURCH. we are 1 week closer to a baptism. #prays

I’m still reading that wonderful Bible that is actually the Book of Mormon. Recently I read in Alma, that one part where Alma meets Amulek. And on a rather Patriotic note, how the Angel mentions to Alma that the Amalecites are planning to destroy the freedom of the Nephites (Alma 8:17)... Interestingly, Alma was kind of like the former Presidente, and he wastes no time to get back in there and save his country (v18). I love to see that God values our freedom as much as we do, He delights in our agency, and since it’s really the only thing that we have that is ours it’s the best gift we can give. . . wait did I say gift?? Probs because we’re on a collision course for CHRISTMAS. ugh. the best. wow.

Check out Illumina el mundo ahora. por fis. Also the blog of the Other Hermana Baer. I heard that some good stuff is going on in Florida...

Anywoo... Have a blessed Day.

FOTOS at last. sorry...
-"There is Kulture in the [slammer] and in the hood".... Tan Flaite. Ni te podai decir. The word Kana is literally so ghetto I don’t even know how to translate it. But just think of the most slang term for JAIL you can think of. and multiply it by 6...
Mom, quick question... what is a ghetto word for jail??
Hoosegow, mainline joint, skinner joint, stoney lonesome, con college, glasshouse, bucket, club fed, greybar hotel, big house, slammer, calaboose, castle, cooler, country club, crowbar hotel, digger, farm, guardhouse, hole, joint, jug, juvie, pen, pokey, rock, sneezer, stockade, the clink. 
Noice. you can just put any or all of those in the part of my letter with the photo if you want to.... or not...

-Hna Judkins and I, living the life or whatever. (does my nose look sunburnt?)

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