Wednesday, November 21, 2018

It’s getting hot out here...

something something.... something... I’m suddenly unable to remember the song... No worries. Forget it...

Turns out, it’s almost summer time here in Chile. We are looking forward to them good ol’ sweaty days in the sun (sounds fun!). The other kind of soggy walking will now commence. :))

In other news.... HNA DIOSES left for Santa Juana to be companions with the entrenada of my best MTC companion, Hermana Ellis!! Small world.

I am now with Hna Judkins from Oregon who is also the entrenada of one of my former companions what??...odd. Anywhoo, the last week with Hermana Dioses was awesome. It’s so cool to see how the cambio is inspired in a way I never imagined. I really had an amazing time with her, and I’m gonna miss the little lady. I never worked so hard in my whole mission as I did with her, so that was an awesome little refresher for me!! I’m so excited to see how our hard work is going to pay off in these MY LAST TWO CAMBIOS WHAT??? Funny how time does that to us.

On a completely unrelated note, in my studies of the Book of Mormon, I LOVED reading the two different como se dice relatos? [stories] of the people of Limhi and Alma. Two pueblos, Two problems, Two different solutions, One Dios. Do we allow God to help us find the best solution, or do we try and do it our way right now? I’m still probably one of the saps who has to fail 3 or 4 times before I catch on that there’s a better way if I just wait a hot second. God is so nice to us. So patient. Also with Joseph Smith that one time when he asked what Joseph wanted to know even though He’s literally God and already knew exactly what el jovencito wanted.
CHALLENGE: in our mission we’ve been on a music fast - listening only to hymns- and also reading the First Vision and our Patriarchal Blessing each week. It’s actually been pretty neat. Give it a shot? for a friend?

I hope you all had an amazing Turkey Day and ate lots of food to celebrate that one time that our ancestors almost starved to death. AMERICA.

Fotos: COMING SOON. I finally got my card cleaned (mas o menos), but the only photos I have for now are just blurry evidence of the Virus. Check it out. How neat is that?

Yes Very Yes

not a good prize

PS I hope I didn't just send you all the virus. That would be.... just the worst. sry not sry.

I freegot to tell you I saw this awesome mormon message and I wuv it so I just want to share it.

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