Monday, December 11, 2017

Someone Broke that.... But I'm gonna fix it*

*references Kung Fu Panda
Subject line because of that one time when I accidentally broke our dryer. I straight up ripped the door off the machine....scripture power is real.
But don't panic because we did fix it.

This week:

-we worked our little buns off serving the members. I made Gringo cookies with all the things the fam sent in the package and we visited the members in their houses, sang to them, watched Iluminar el Mundo, and reminded them to serve others and not forget the true meaning of Christmas, dagnabit! Then we gave them a little cookie and speedily departed to visit other members. We hope that doing this will remind them that we love them and that they can invite the spirit to their homes for Christmas through service.... And you can too!
(Author´s note: If the dear reader has not already seen the Light the World video and/or is not participating in the 25 ways for 25 days, they are strongly urged to begin doing so.... now [please begin this video clip at 7:40 seconds and end at 7:50].)

Since we were focusing on the members this week, we've had little to no contact with our investigators - mostly because they aren't in their houses and never answer their phones. But turns out that God is good and our two (2) investigators showed up at church all by themselves! Miracles and what have you.

One thing I've noticed this week is that when we feel inadequate...inadiquite? (lol sorry i can't remember how to spell words) it's because the Lord is teaching us how to use our weaknesses. It's like when we first begin to exercise a muscle that we've never used, it's hard and we don´t like it and our eyes might be a little sweaty, but we can trust that when we are through we are going to be stronger and more prepared for what comes next, maybe helping others with the same experience. And when we do this, turning outward after or during hard experiences, we understand more the work of the Saviour, because that's what He did for us, and really, He is the One who knows what we feel and need. Trust Him!

 Okay. That is all.
See y'all rull soon.
-Hermanerm Baer 2.0

P.S. thanks to all for the Buthuthday wishes.


Churches and stop me if you've seen them...

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