Monday, December 4, 2017

I'll put that box in another box*

* References Emperor's New Groove.
Hey! Good news, the Xmas pack from the fam arrived! Sad news, it was definitely opened and rifled through. Good news again, this made it much easier for me to open. So..... lol Vive Chile, I guess.
But thank y’all so much!! I may or may not have openly wept at the sight of brown sugar and also everything else from my family in Sweet, Sweet, Free Country USA.

This week:

-Christmas Devotional. So gr8. We woke up at 4:30 so we could travel by bus with the other districts to Los Angeles. At 7:30 we stopped because the driver was like, "Hey the bus is leaking fluids and is about to explode.... Imma call my other bus driver buddy so y’all actually arrive." And we were like, "ok coolcool. We'll just wait, then." So our 4 hour trip was actually 6 hours and we were extremely fashionably late for the Devotional. :]

-For the devo we contacted in the streets and then had a flashmob in the plaza and everyone gave their Christmas-wrapped Libro de Mormón to the people who gathered. So great. Then we had some lunch and sang songs and listened to testimonies. Then we got our Xmas packages and hit the road again. Also I saw my favorite CCM companion Hermana Ellis. She’s the best.

-Good news. Raul our negocio friend/investigator loves the Book of Mormon. We are gonna work to get this man to Church.

-Also I have a new goal. Imma take a photo with every church here in Curanilahue. Photos attached for your viewing pleasure.

-We worked for a day with Hermana May, the mission President’s wife. She always brings cookies for interviews. Also her sweater was made of llama fur. She’s fabulous.

Okay. I think that is erething.
Stay in touch, but no touchies...
-Hermana Baer

Dem cookies do

Hermana May

And when it arrives.....

Contacting at the Christmas devotional

Hermanas at the Party. I mean Devotional.

We love to travel.

Tired but alive.

We worked with the mission president’s wife for a day here in Curanilahue. She’s pretty much the best.

Them churches

Also the most terrifying nightmare dolphin yard decoration I have ever seen. Enjoy.

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