Monday, November 27, 2017

You gotta fight... for your right.... to Paaaaartaaay*

*It's a Beastie Boys song from 1986, but I think we won't offer a link this time.
That said, Presidente May, our mission presidente wants everyone to know the Christmas Devotional this Wednesday is not, I repeat NOT a party. We're missionaries. We don't live that kind of life. It's more like an OMNIZONE. (Hint: use this word to score big in Bananagrams).

Now back to me:
-I had my very first encounter with a True Bible Basher.™ Then, for lack of better word, boyfriend, of Elsa, Carlos, is Evangelic Pentacostal. Big words, bigger hatred for the Book of Mormon. Carlos was yelling and swinging the Bible around and Elsa and her brother, Segundo, were defending the Church (which was a pleasant surprise to us) and finally we just were like, "Bruh. We're not here to fight. We know that our message is true, and if you want you can know, too. We follow the example of Christ and we don't fight with people. We don't believe the Bible or other scriptures are weapons to be used to attack the faith of other people. ¿If Christ were here with us, right now, what do you think He would say or do? *pleasant and expectant smile*"
and then Carlos said........... nuffing. But made this face the rest of the time  >:(  
And we just smiled and left after setting a baptism date for both Elsa and her brother. Boom. The 16th of December, btws :)

 -THEN Elsa and her brother were at church on Sunday. More, they both attended the Relief Society activity on Thursday. oops. Segundo was on time, which we appreciate, but also, he was also a man. So we told him we would see him on Sunday and there he was. He's chill. no worries.

-Never fear because we are working our little buns off here in Curanilahue. It doesn't really matter what others say about the gospel, so long as we are firm in our knowledge of what is right and continue to treat others as Children of God. Because that´s what they are (duhr).

 -Also, we helped a family deconstruct their house. I really enjoyed a day of hard labor because at the end I felt like we accomplished something. Even if it was literally destroying the home of a member. heh. oops. [We tore down the old house of wood and they will be building a new one.]

Thanks to Everyone for all the prayers and help. No photos today because..... i hart Chilean technology. but know that they will be coming soon to a blog near you. Until then, look at the other Hermana Baer's letter. It´s gonna be big.

-Hermanerm Baer

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