Monday, November 13, 2017

I’m a Trendy Handbag*

*References this Homestar Runner moment

Subject line because I accidentally bought a bag that´s basically a fanny pack. So stylin. But it´s more secure and smaller than my other bag, and I´ve been assured by various/multiple sources it´s better.

This last Saturday we had our Capilla Abierta - The Chapel Open House - where the members invite their friends for a church tour and introduce them to all the organizations and presidencies in the ward. All the zone works together to teach and serve the people who show up. We had 8 members and 7 investigators attend. Woot!

For those praying for Juancito, Muchas Gracias! He´s got a fecha Bautismal set for the 9th of December. Yay!

We´ll be having a capilla abierta in each area every Saturday for the next month or so, and I´m really excited to get a chance to learn from the missionary work of other areas.

Que Mas? Ah ya. We´ve been working with the sweetest Menos Activa, Ana, and she came to church with us this week for the first time in like 6 years. Hurray for progress!

Spiritual Thought: I´ve been reading in Jesus the Christ to learn more about the life of the Savior, and one thing that I love is that Christ always used his Divine Powers to serve and lift others, never did anything to aggrandize himself, or do anything that would attract attention that would distract from the sacred purpose of His mission or the Glory of His Father. I´ve learned that we can work like the Savior by demonstrating humility and patience in all we do. The Gospel isn´t flashy, but it is bright - we can do small things that make a big difference but don´t necessarily attract attention. We can use our powers for helping others, not ourselves.

Okay. Ya. And That.

So sorry, there are no photos this week. oops. I´m pretty sure the other Hermana Baer has some pretty swaggin photos. Check it out.

-Hermana Baer

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