Monday, November 6, 2017

Curanilahue? More like COOLanilahue

Amma right or Amma right?

Transfers this week and We all four of us get another 6 weeks here in Curanilahue. Woot for us!

I hope that there is a photo attached of two of our favorite, ugly but precious in the sight of the Lord dog friends here in Curanilahue. They love us and always follow us. We love every crusty, flea infested creature here in Curanilahue. Because everyone here has fleas. A harmless little flea...*
[*references this scene from Disney's Emperor's New Groove]

This week we worked our little bottoms off. We´ve noticed something rather curious.... turns out that, like, half of Curanilahue are baptized members, but we have an active ward of just about.....50. Odd. We are really excited to help people remember that one time they probably really liked something about the gospel.

Highlights included:
-Contacting. Everyday. In the rain. Because of La Niña. Hey, just what is La Niña anyways? and what does this curious atmospheric phenomenon mean for my summer? Probably it´s gonna be a hot one right?

-More crazies. Super fun. They really love to talk to us or just follow us at uncomfortably close distance. Hermana Bazaes says it´s probably me. And I said, yeah, who wouldn't want to follow me around all day. Humility is my greatest quality.

-I killed all the fungus in our room. It had been encroaching on my study space for some time, and I had enough. So I cleaned it. I was like,¨Die, earth scum!¨ but it probably wasn't as funny as I thought it was. I have crazed eyes in the photo. Probably because of all the breathing in toxins. Or just flash. But who can be sure? Yup.

We´ll see you all on the other side. Have you read the letter of the Other Hermana Baer? If not, you may do so.............Now.

Okay. I think I have photos? It´s like a bad soap opera. Will there or won´t there be photos?

BUT. behold. a completo

Me murdering mushrooms

Scruffy. Our most loyal and filthy four legged-friend.

 A little bit less than a quarter of Curanilahue from one of the hills. It goes on, and on and on. It´s huge, okay? :)

And this house. ¨Excuse me... are you aware there´s a river and your house is on top of it?¨

Right now Curanilahue is a branch. There are like 50 members active (more or less) but less than 10 years ago there were 2 wards with more than 300 Members. But there have been a LOT of Problems here in Curanilahue. A LOT. And it´s really not the members fault... Sort of. We´re working on it. Lol there are no elders here, just the four sisters. Sister Chavez from Bolivia has been here 6 months and is kind of the Anchor here.

Thanks for all your support, prayers, and help. I love hearing about your missions. It helps me have a perspective. of sorts.

Toodles Hermana Baer

Lebu Zone

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