Monday, October 30, 2017

But if you buy two completos*

*References this Kid History episode (#3) about Chilean missionaries.

Turns out, it´s really only two dollars because completos are a thing and actually just Chilean hot dogs! and YOU CAN HAVE ONE, TOO! Steps include boiling your hot dog, toasting the bun, putting diced tomato and mashed avocado on said hot dog and toasted bun, and topping with mayo, mustard, and ketchup. Not too bad, all said. Photo included for those who are visual learners. (booo. The computer here can´t read my images. I´ll send the photo next week. Or y'all can just look it up. Sorry. Hurray for Chilean technology!)

Here are the highlights from the week:

-BUT I had my first Completo!

-We went to Concepción, like the city part of our mission, and it´s super cool! Ya. Also the temple is almost done. Right now they have a cardboard Moroni as a place holder for the real one, which arrived in September, but is waiting in it´s coffin box until the tower part is finished.

-We stayed in the mission home Thursday night for district conference Friday. As the say here in Chile, it was super quico (pronounced qwik-o with the pinky extended like a princess).  They even had an upright piano and carpet.... which is kind of like our house right now..... People. I´m here to tell you life is different on the other side. God is good. America is free. Love it. LoooOOOVE. iiiIIIIT. (Teeth barred, fists shook). :)

- We celebrated the cumpleaños of our Hermana Chavez and had some cake stuff! pretty good! The food here is really good. Very fresh. Very a lot of it. So much. I´m going to be really fat. Because you have to eat all of it. To show your gratitude to the members. With which we eat every. single. day. So generous. I´m going to have to roll to appointments at the end of my mission.

- And the part everyone was waiting for. TAAAKE ME TO CHUURCH. it´s a song. you could look it up, but I can´t recommend it because I´m kind of a missionary right now. We did go to church with the Evangelics. How was it? In a word: Loud. Really loud. It was like a rock concert, but with more children. There was all sorts of wild demonstrations. If I had to sum up the whole experience, I would say a lot of noise because they sang songs the whole time and yelled and their live band (who wasn't actually that bad) played fast and loud and there really wasn't a lot of teaching, or learning, or worship. There was a lot of recognition and awards for the members and especially the pastors and even a song about how their church was so true and the other churches were Satan´s armies....(Alma ch 28??) Pretty wild stuff. Hermana Bazaes was very, very shocked.
I know for sure that the spirit wasn't there because it was so darn loud. While we were standing there in the noise, I had the distinct thought that if the Savior were to have walked into the room, it would have become very quiet very fast, and so what I learned was that we need quiet moments in order to feel the spirit. We need to be still and listen. Also, I´m super grateful for the truth that we have in our church. A lot of wild and confusing things happened in their service, and I´m encourage y'all to take a quiet moment and reflect on the truths of the gospel that have blessed your life.
Then call the missionaries and work with them or something, i dunno, do what you want if you live in America.

-Now that we are more familiar with what the evangelical family believes, we are excited to work with them and ask them questions that might stimulate some thought and reflection about our gospel and their own beliefs. Anyways. That was a lot of words.

Rull quick second spiritual thought: In 1 Nefi 8:5-6 I was thinking, who is this man in white that Lehi doesn´t recognize? And this is what I noticed: the man asks Lehi to follow him to the Tree of Life. Who else asks us to follow him to receive the joy of the gospel in its fullness? Definitely Christ. (See any part of the New Testament.) I dunno, but I would not be surprised if In his dream Lehi saw Christ. But what do you think? Am I accidentally blaspheming? If so, let me know before I make it worse.

Maybe you should take a break, or go outside or something, or read the letter of the Other Hermana Baer. It´s pretty good.
But don´t take just my word for it... Check it out!! (Reading Rainbow maybe?)

 --Hermana Baer

With Hermana Saunders at the Mission home in Concepción

District Conference

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