Monday, October 16, 2017

You're die :)

Subject is what Hna Bazaes always says to me when I speak in English like a Native kind of like: chu know it, wjhat I say?

WOOT 2 months down, only 16 to go.

Hey. This week guess what we did? Ya. We contacted a ful. All day ereday.

We're working with our investigator, Juan, but it´s rough I tells ya. Everyone knows that he´s taking the lessons for his polola, (girlfriend) who is super amazing and super strong in her testimony of the Gospel, and we don't know really how to help him understand the importance of keeping commitments and having his own desire to actively participate in the Gospel. But that's the agency, I suppose. We have faith that we will find people who are ready and waiting to receive the good news of the Gospel.

Highlight from the week. When I was feeling discouraged becuse we didn't have anyone to teach, I prayed that we might have the opportunity to find someone who needed our help, someone we could serve and maybe share with. That same day, we came across Emma, a super sweet Abuelita who we offered to help with some household chores. She was really glad to let us help her and also, I think, have someone to talk to about her family, which is really struggling. We shared with her 3 Nephi 17:7 about Christ healing people, and especially healing our hearts, and offered to come by and talk and help another day. She wasn't too sure, and I'm not sure we'll see her again, but I really needed that opportunity to serve and feel like we were at least helping someone. Yeah so turns out, I guess prayers are answered or whatever. God lives, peeps.

Hey, quick question for y'all. I was thinking about Jesus Christ as the Perfect Missionary, and wondered, why didn't Christ ever Baptise anyone? I think it's because it was the responsiblity of John the Baptist, but also, I think that Christ was the perfect example of selfless service. Numbers during missionary work are important, but more important is the desire of the missionaries to serve and invite people through their words and example. But what do you think?

Until Next time.

Photos? Maybe...

Chile from the Air

The View of Curanilahue from my window

yah, I'll try to take a photo of Curanilahue, but we will see what happens... it's a wee bit peligroso to carry a camera if ya know what i mean.

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