Monday, October 2, 2017

Fake it till ya break it

¡Hola Todo!

We are safe and arrived in Chile last Tuesday.
 I{m so sorry for all the mistakes I{m gonna make, but this keyboard is more foreign to me than the moon. Sorry again. Imma do my most best.

Hey, guess what? It's a bit chilly in Chile. Whoda thunk... It's just now spring here, so it rains a lot and hasn't yet been above 60 F. :) But no worries. It could be worse. I've heard it's snowing in Utah. 

OKAY SO...we left the CCM Monday at 4:30 PM, took an all-night flight to Santiago, then from there flew an hour to Concepción. We were greeted by several missionaries and the president. We then traveled to the mission home - which is basically an enormous and beautiful hotel close to the temple. We had lunch, and wrote home - as you probably know - then traveled to the mission office to receive areas and companions.

Chile looks like a mashup of many different places - it's got the planning/structure of a South American country, superimposed over the coastline of the American northwest, with the slightest flavor of European in the buildings, you have imagined Chile.

The Language is....... not really Spanish. In Mexico I could understand or at least follow reasonably well, but here it's altogether different. THIS IS NOT THE LANGUAGE I LEARNED IN THE MTC. But it's okay. I'm guessing it's like the American equivalent of a strong Boston or Deep Southern accent - which would be confusing to learn. And it is. It kinda sounds Italian to me, but hey, who knows. Check it out.

ANYWHOO....we got to the mission office and got new comps and areas. Herman Ellis and I said goodbye, then we all rushed to catch our buses. Right now I'm working with Hna Bazaes, H, Chavez, y H Rocha (of Bolivia and Brazil, respectively) in the Area of CURANILAHUE (Coor an ill law way :) This area is HUGE. Also, It's a white wash, so we all kind of get a new beginning here. We spend most of the day contacting because...... there aren't any new investigators. Good news! There are a buttload of menos activos. Bad news: no one knows where they live. :) What a treat. We are really getting to know the area.

Hna Bazaes is la Mejor - the best! She's from Santiago, and so is teaching me how to speak like a native. And she even speaks a little English! Yay! She'll probably be studying Law at BYU in about 6 months, so, watch for that.

Conference was great. I even got my own private viewing in English - all the rest of the RAMA /branch sat in the chapel and I sat in the Overflow with my own TV and headphones and waved at everyone else. So fun. What an experience.

Even though I never really know what's going on or what anyone is saying, I'm glad to know that I don't need to worry too much because I am exactly where I need to be. Anyone who is serving or working for the Lord can also be comfortably clueless. No worries.



Photos: I dunno the order but here:
- CHILE from the air
- View from our window
- Temple??
[Mom's note: we only got the temple photo in her email. Hope to receive and add the others soon.]

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