Thursday, September 28, 2017

Welcome to Chile!

Dear Family of Sister Baer,

Sister May and I are delighted to inform you that we have welcomed Sister Baer to the Chile Concepción South Mission
We went to the Mission office for almuerzo (lunch) after welcoming her to Concepción. Enclosed is a photograph taken on that occasion in the Mission office. Later we had an orientation meeting in which your daughter met Sister Bazaes Loarte, her first companion and trainer. Sister Bazaes Loarte is an excellent missionary and was prayerfully chosen for this calling.

They are assigned to work in the Lebu Zone, in the Los Alamos 2 sector of our mission.

The initial mission experience requires many adjustments. The most important support that you, as a family, can give your missionary is to write regular strengthening and supportive letters. Missionaries anxiously await letters from home!
You can correspond with your missionary in one of two ways. She should have contacted you by email on her day of arrival through her church sponsored email account. It is the only email account she is permitted to use during her mission. If you prefer writing letters or would like to send a package, you may do so at the following address:

Sister Noelle Baer
Misión Chile Concepción Sur
Castellón 1063, Casilla 3560
Concepción, Biobío, Chile

Mail to and from Chile can be slow at times, but usually arrives eventually. Packages arrive most successfully when sent through the USPS Priority Mail. We discourage the use of DHL, UPS, or FedEx because of previous experiences.

We are grateful for the sacrifices that are being made by your family and by your missionary to serve the Lord at this time. We feel honored to serve as her Mission parents and will strive to help her have a positive mission experience.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

President Richard D. May
Chile Concepción South Mission

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