Monday, September 4, 2017

23 August 2017 - Is this gonna be forever??

Dear Fam and Friends,

The CCM (Say-say emay) is a neat place. The weather is temperate and sunny in the morning and afternoons, and then in the evenings, it pours and we have massive thunderstorms. 'Tis the rainy season.

My Compañera is Hermana Ellis. She is one fly servant of the Lord. I'm really lucky/blessed to have been paired with her. God knew no one else would put up with my bizznizz all the time. She's a cosmetologist and went to UVU. She lived in Carriage Cove, with is right next to Branbury! Small world. She is super fun and we even get each other's movie quotes. 

Hermana Ellis and I are the only Hermanas in our district. The other eight Elders are doofs. We have a lot of fun and sometimes not a lot of studying on accident. :] 
The first few days at the CCM were. The. Worst. We were constantly late and always in the wrong spot and also none of the workers here speak English because of Mexico. On the very first day, some of the sisters in our casa said that this first day as missionaries was better than Christmas. I was like," :|    no."  I had the "Forget yourself and go to work" quote read to me over 600 times. I also might die of old age here at the CCM because it feels like an eternity or two has passed. 

But that's okay because it's a fast and VERY STEEP learning curve. Hermana Ellis and I taught our first investigator on Thursday, and gave the lesson entirely in Spanish. His name is Allen. Here are some lesson highlights from the past week:

Us: Hermano Allen, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptised by someone who poses the proper priesthood Authority from God? 
Allen: Si
Us: We will be holding a baptismal service September 12. Will you prepa-
Allen: Tres Semanas?? (Three weeks?)  No. I'm not ready that soon.
Us: Hermano Allen, we know you can be ready in three weeks, but this is you baptism, and it's important for you to be comfortable with your date. Will you pray to know what date is right for you?
Allen: Si. June 30. 
Us:......... Will you pray to know what day is right for you? 
Allen. Si. it is June 30
Us: :] okay Allen. 

Allen: Can I have a party after my baptism? 
Us: Si, if you want, there can be a little celebration.
Allen: Good, because I want there to be music, and food, and my friends, and cerveza (beer)...
Us: ......... :| 
Allen: Not in the church, of course Hermanas. That wouldn't be appropriate. 
Us: ..... We will talk about preparing for your baptism in our next lesson. 

What a bless-ed hermano. 

The food here is muy terrible. It has destroyed my insides. ....I have been betrayed by food... Also, I may have a worm. Some lucky people get them here at the CCM. If I do, it's name is Enchillada. 

The work is hard, and sometimes sweaty, but I have hope things can get better as we keep going. 
I sure miss y'all and also pasta and a little bit the internet and also Sweet, Sweet, Free Country USA, but this is an altogether different kind of adventure, and it's probably gonna be good.

Thanks to everyone for the support and for the letters, it makes our day when we get them.

See ya never. 
-Hermana Baer

[I'm sending this letter without pics but will send as soon as I can... sorry]

Thanks for all the letters! 
I think. Our District Leaders say we have them, but they never bring them to us because they forget them in their rooms, so that's a wee bit frustrating. 
They said they just had to read through them real quick, and then they'd let us know which ones were worth reading. 

Just kidding.


I'll send more goodies soon.

-Hermana Baer

[responding to Mom’s letter]
Please note, i would send more photos, but We can only use our cameras on P-days. :( Sorry. Also, maybe find out what kind of cord the other black camera just like mine has, because apparently it is different from the ones I brought and so I can't upload photos. :] Sorry. I'm trying to borrow another Elder's, but you know how Elders are..... 

OH YEAH. I would love it if you could send some photos of the family. Apparently, we needed them. oops. 

We are on our way to the temple today at noon, which should take the rest of the day. Prayin' for yall all the time.

Okay, the elders left and I won't be able to upload photos. 

Just know that I look even more pale and tired in mexico.
[responding to Dad]
Thanks, Padre. 

I love hearing familiar voices when I read. I don't know that I need the slippers, but maybe I might need a camera cord. This camera has a super tiny cord spot, and it doesn't match what I aspected... sooooo I'm gonna be borrowing one of the Elder's until I can't. heh. 

Hermana Ellis, my Compañera es muy great. We haven't had any problems yet, except that sometimes always and every single time we are 15-30 minutes late. One time, I was really upset because we were so late to a meal that everything had already been cleaned up, so we foraged for some stuff, but then it still took 10 minutes to eat and then we were exceptionally late to class and I was cheesed. I. HATE. BEING. LATE.

oops. I mashed my palms on the keyboard in rage and sent without finishing. 
Anyways, I hate being late, but I love Hermana Ellis?  I'm used to low maintenance living and making personal decisions to skip or give things up in order to be on time, but Hermana Ellis is not worried about that. She said in Highschool she was always an hour or more late and I said. "I believe it."  We are working hard to set goals to be on time. But she really is really cool. Also beautiful. 

Thanks for your letter. It was good to hear from ya.  I dig the SOS things. 

Bye forever. 

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