Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What's the Bye Word Again?

This week, a brand new Elder visited with us to practice introductions in Spanish and at it was muy bienueno at the end he was like, "K cool, thanks a bunch, and uh, what's the bye word again? Adidas?" And we were like, "¿Adios?" and he was like, "uh, probably. Bye." Elders are pretty amazing. We're really grateful for their examples to us. Also, I thought this was an appropriate title for this week because it's the last week we're here in the CCM and next time you hear from us it'll probs be in CHILE!!??!!

But, this week was just like every other week in the CCM. Except for the enormous earthquake, and the fact that we're completely packed, and our district is having a Christmas Countdown, and also that so many other crazy things happened. But all just little different things.

Well, let's get to it, we know why you're all really here. Ya want the dirty about the earthquake. Well, there we were. Eating lunch. In the Comedor. Suddenly, it feels like someone is cutting their meat way too hard and shaking the tables. We all kind of quiet down, a bit confused. Eerie silence. then BAM Mother Nature is losing her mind and the windows are waving and then the sirens go off. Everyone jumps ups and leaves everything and runs out the doors. (Except that I defs grabbed my chocolate bar on the way out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't think I can apologize for that.) Hermana Ellis was muy scared, and it was very cute because in her panic she grabbed my hand for a hot sec. ;) We all ran outside to the designated safe areas, and it was so strange. The ground was moving, but all in different directions. It was kind of like being on a boat, or a moving vehicle, or something else, but it didn't feel real at all. It was like a weird dream. We spoke with some brand new Hermanas from Mexico, and they said it was very common in Mexico to have earthquakes like this one, and even more common in Chile. It's only Big, in Chile, if it's over 7. Something to look forward to.
Anyways, we stood outside for a long while then went back into lunch and the day went on like normal. Except that the new missionaries who were scheduled to arrive were now stranded at airports all over the place - some in Mexico, and some back in the States.

Again, we have received a witness of the Miracles of the Lord. We had a drill at 11 that morning, and then an earthquake at 1. Everyone knew exactly what to do and where to go (remember the weird green circle thing with arrows in that one photo of the road?). The 7.1 Mag earthquake here measured only a 5.1 within the CCM walls. Nothing was damaged or broken, everyone was safe, and I don't think we even lost power. Church is True. The Missionaries are praying for the people affected by the turmoils all around the world. We know that the Lord lives and loves His children very much, and we know he watches over them.

Okay, now for the rest of the week. The Boring Stuff.

-Our district is celebrating a Christmas Countdown (Sept 25 is Christmas). We made/scavenged a tree. It is perfectly hideous. Photos attached.

-We had Hot Cocoa, and Secret Santas - I got some flippin sweet shower sandals and three skittles. Today we will be taking photos for our christmas card - coming soon, and caroling later this week.

Noelle's & Lauren's tags - blue stickers mean they're in the last week
-We had to be packed today so we would be prepared for leaving Monday probably around 4:30 PM.
Our checked bags had to be under 50 lbs and the carry-on under 17. What a pleasant surprise. But again, miracles are real. My bags weigh 49.7, 36, and 17 exactly. I practically have room to spare! God is good. Except that we just have to live out of our suitcases for a week, and hope that the weight doesn't change much. Why do bad things happen to good people?

-We don't have our travel plans yet, but hope to send them your way soon.

-We have finished teaching our investigators, and now we just go to a billions of classes instead. what fun.

I think that's probably not all, but mostly just the important things. Probably. Wow. Thanks for reading all these words. they were a lot. Maybe too many.

See you all on the Other Side,
-Hermana Baer

1. It's fabulous in it's atrociousness.

2. I dunno if you've already seen the Facebook page, but this is kinda what the CCM looks like. Kinda.

3 & 4. Uh.... we work hard to look this good.

Thanks to Hermana Ellis for this classroom photo.

Thanks to the Mexico MTC Facebook page for this peaceful scene.


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