Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Bird Made a Poop on You

The third week in the CCM is very much like the first two weeks, but with slightly less confused wandering.

The good news is that I think we're learning some stuff about the gospel and also about Spanish. Who'd a thunk it.

This week, as we were sitting outside under the wet trees studying the Book of Mormon, I heard a little splat and looked over at Hermana Ellis, who was looking rather confusedly back and forth between the tree tops and a little white mess her dress. No need to keep anyone in anticipation, it was definitely bird poop. Straight up a rude little bird pooped on her. After cleaning up, we told our teacher, Hermana Espinosa, what happened and of course asked how to say it in Spanish. She told us it's "Pájaro hizo popó en usted" which translates literally quite nicely to "the bird made a poop on you."
Probably the funniest thing that we've said in Spanish intentionally. Also this. The Elders in our district have a little contest amongst themselves to see who can fit in the cupboards in the back of the classroom and also who can do it for the longest. Hermana Ellis and I wonder how dumb the Elders can get sometimes. We also definitely fit in all the cupboards, in case you were wondering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One day, we walked in as the Elders said they were running through a "drill." When asked what the cuss that was, they related their entire plan to us. While one Elder distracted Hermana Espinosa in the hall, the rest of the Elders would quickly hide in the cupboards, and when she came back she would be like: "Where es meye Elderes?" (or where is my Elders, in English). Man they were pumped. And they could get everyone in the cupboards in under 45 seconds. It was quite a sight. As respectful representatives of Jesus Christ, we couldn't just stand by and watch them do the stupid thing. So of course we asked how we could help. In the end, the plan was as follows:
One Elder distracts Hermana Espinosa in the Hall, the Elders quietly rush to their cupboards and we help them by making sure the doors closed on them - which may or may not have included using the door to really mash 'em in there good so it closed. Once everyone was in position, we would go outside under the pretense of needing water. and then walk in to be just as surprised as everyone else when all the Elders were gone. What a great plan. 

When the time came to do it, and the Chosen Elder said, "Hermana, can I talk to you for a sec in the Hall?" we all looked at each other like l:} It went swimmingly. The elders just scuttled into their places. Weirdest thing to see. Hermana Espinosa was completely surprised and confused. And we were like, "I dunno, Hermana, did they jump out the windows?" Her face was priceless when they all came out of the cupboards........Why are we even missionaries? 

But cereally, we are learning a lot and growing spiritually as well. We even have fun sometimes, despite the rules about being gospel robots.

The Good News of the Gospel really blesses lives, including mine. Sorry that this letter wasn't very spiritual, but it can be difficult to translate spiritual experiences to words. I'll work more on spiritual developments next week, and keep a record of the good spiritual things that happen.

ALSO AND LASTLY Have some photos of my unnaturally pale face! And also my beautiful companion. Also some other things.

1.The streets of the CCM 

2. Hermana Ellis and I and also a tree.

3. The District. (Elder Souter - the tall blonde in the back is going with us to Chile Concepcion Sur)

Also this photo sent to Mom by Lauren:  H Baer and H Ellis

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