Monday, October 23, 2017

Take anything you want! Spare me my life!*

*References this Japanese video teaching English through exercise.
Subject because this week while we were contacting in the street, we were approached by a woman. She staggered up to us and in "English" asked us what time it was, who we were, and where we were from. I was halfway through a granola bar at the time of her approach, and in the middle of our "conversation" she looked down at my snack, and staggared forward with her hand outstretched and said, 'La mitad" or translated to something like "gimme the half." I was a little surprised and didn't really know what to do.... so I was like :])) Awkward double chin and I gave it to her. She ate the whole thing. We told her to have a nice day as we backed away slowly.... I was robbed of me dinner. Ah well. It was actually really funny.

I'm grateful that this is as close to danger as the Lord has let us come here in Curanilahue.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support.
Slowly, but surely the work here is pressing forward, and progress is being made. Like, this week, I told a joke and somebody got it. Hurray for miracles. :)

But really, we are meeting people who are being prepared by the Lord. One sweet old woman in particular comes to mind. We were contacting (or maybe just regular type lost) in a street yesterday, when we felt impressed to talk to this little Abuelita. We greeted her, and she asked if we were on our way to an appointment or if we could come to her house and visit with her! So we did. At her home, she told us she had been taking the discussions from some other missionaries and attending church, but they had stopped coming, and she could no longer walk the distance to church, and was there someone who could help her attend? She also said she wanted to be baptized. (!!!) Miracles I guess.

Now for the other highlight of the week.
Yesterday, we contacted a house, and to our surprise we were invited in by the woman. We spoke with her, her husband and his mother, who are all supes Evangelical. They were surprised to learn that we believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. We talked more about religion and families, and, turns out, the Evangelics don't believe in Eternal Families - very sad, lonely doctrine if you ask me. Anyways, at the end of the discussion, we asked if we could come back and talk more. They were very hesitant, until Hermana Bazaes asked about when they attend their service. I'm not really sure what happened, but turns out I guess we're going to their Church with them next Sunday night and now we have more appointments with them. So.... There is also that.


Ah, in case you were wondering, we have lunch with members Everyday. The menu (usually) follows this format:
1. a salad and maybe some soup depending on the weather with some juice
2. A main course, almost always with potatoes and rice and assorted meats.
3. a dessert - usually flan or jello or a little bit of cake.

Overall the food is super great. It's very fresh and really not that strange......... so far.

Thanks for everyone's support, prayers, and faith.
We'll see you all real soon! :)
-Hermana Baer

here is a photo of Curanilahue. This is one of the many big hills here. I'm working on more...

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