Monday, November 20, 2017

. . . To the Beach* . . .

*Said in the Mr. Bean Voice.  [And here is footage of Mr. Bean at the beach. Just mentally photoshop Noelle over him.]

This week in The Many Adventures of Hermanerm Baer...

-Our menos activo brother came to church after a very long and difficult absence and is now our new Mission Leader!! We are 100% ready and excited to work with him bc he's an RM of only 3 or 4 years so he remembers the mission and how to help us.

-We had intercambios, I was with Hna Chavez and we contacted for lit er ally the whole day because all of our appointments fell through and then we were lost for like an hour, but I had a really great time. She's amazing.

-We are working with an investigator Raul (hombre) who we found in his little store, and who, shockingly, asked us about being missionaries and said he was very interested in learning more and attending our church. We are more than happy to be working with him, but are impeded only by the fact that he works literally everyday all day long, so we are teaching tiny, tiny portions of the gospel in his store....not really ideal for the spirit, but we are working for an appointment in his home. Good news: one time we dropped by his shop to follow up and there he was.... READING THE BOOK OF MORMON. He said he liked it and it felt very much like the Bible. And we were like, "yeah that might be because its also the word of God." and he was like, "oh. that's pretty cool." and on the inside I was like, Bruh, just wait till you get baptized...

-We spoke with our new investigator from the capilla abierta, Elsa, who told us that the day of the open house she had been having the worst day of her whole life, but when she spoke with the missionaries, she felt like she was talking to angels. More, when she came to the chapel and listened to the words of Christ she felt like she was on fire, but also being hugged very tight. She now has a baptismal date for the 09 of December!!! Hey. Look at that. She's fabulous and we accidentally were at her house for like 3 hours because she was telling us everything about her life. So many words happened. We are so excited for her to be part of the Church and we want her to be baptized ASAP. Or the 09 of December. Whichever.

-Also, just an update.... you may remember Juancito, yes he does have a baptismal date, also for the 09 of December, but we are really worried that he doesn't really understand or value the gospel bc it has been 6 months and 2 sets of missionaries and 0 commitments kept. We are praying that he will have a change of heart and begin to recognize the importance of a personal testimony

-The cutest little old lady we found who said she wanted to be baptized, turns out......... is, with all love and respect, un pocita locita. We will be checking in now and again, but now is not the time for her to be taking the discussions.

Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and love. We know you are thinking of us and we work to make the prayers a reality..... interesting how prayers aid action, but action without sincere prayer can just be a waste of time.... the two go hand in hand for success. Spiritual Thought: Its a trick

- I just think that if you haven't read Jesus the Christ you probably should. Its blowing me out of my mind nugget. So much about our Savior. So spiritual, so smart. so good. okay.

That is all.

-Hermnerm Baer

PHOTOS: We went to the beach. AT LAST. and it was cold. but it was still the beach. So all is well. We played some games and ate some hotdog things. Muuuuuuy rico.

Our beloved and favorite nueva Elena is so proud of her son who is a carabinero (policeman) that she insisted we take a photo with his hat :]))))) so awkward..... Also she was so generous and kept offering us queso straight from a massive block, and we couldn't really say no, so I ate like, a kilo of cheese. She's the best.

Photo of our Companeras! Left to Right: Hna Bazaes, Chavez, me, Rocha.

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