Monday, February 12, 2018

A dog peed on Hermana Salmerón

It’s true. That really happened. She was thrilled.

And now for the week in bulletin:

-We’re having a party with the Rama. Everyone is invited this Friday. Literally all of Cabrero. Karaoke and pool party. NO alcoholic beverages, please.

-Isidora decided to go to church in Yumbel.... but not the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aka the Only True Church Where We Can Find Lasting Happiness, but the OTHER church, if you know what I mean. So feel free to pray for her.

-We contacted the entire police department in Monte Aguila. They’re really friendly. Also, Fun Fact: the police live with their families at the police station. Who knew?

-We sang at the super Catholic funeral of a little boy. It was...........weird. Also turns out we don’t sing very good.

-Following an unusual but powerful spiritual prompting, we promised our unmarried investigator couple of ages 60 and 42 that if they got married and were working to be sealed in the temple, they could finally have kids. The Hermano nearly died right there in our lesson.

-We’re teaching English. Or at least attempting to do so.

-In our Zone Conference Presidente May revealed the new weekly mission goals. Each week we will now work to have 1 baptism, 15 new investigators, 15 investigators with a baptismal date, and 12 investigators attending church. #vamos_que_se_puede
Ya know, I once read in 1 Nephi 3:7 that "the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." We will now be excersicing 297% more faith because I dunno how we’re gonna do that, but if Presidente May said we can, we’re gonna do it.

- I know that this is God’s work. The Book of Mormon is True.

I don’t know why we don’t have more photos:
One and only: The president of the Rama didn’t understand the names of Hermana Salmerón or Hermana Gourley and wrote this to introduce them to the Ward.
#meetmynewcompanions #MasDespacioPorFavor #NoEntenderNada #HermanaSanMenor

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