Monday, February 26, 2018

God is in the details, and also in the bushes

We worked a lot with plants and fruit this week.

Miracles exist people. In case you were wondering.

We saw all sorts of miracles this week. Like the fact that we are working to complete the new mission goals and we had 7 new investigators this week. How we did that we may never know. But it’s a true story.

-We had a gr8 zone service project (AT LAST) in Cabrero. We thought we were going to help the firemen build their station, but they didn’t show up, so we went to a Garden where many of the local people with disabilities sell plants. It was a disaster so we cleaned it right up and made the Director cry because he was so happy to have help. Missionary work is cool like that. Sometimes the most help we can give isn’t in sharing a scripture, but serving and working with people who really need someone else to pay a little attention to their needs.

And now a things that happened that you’ll just have to wonder about:

-A drunk spilled his wine into my missionary bag. #sharing-is-caring

-We had a mateado with the Rama where we had Tortillas Al rescoldo and Mate #Mate-is-just-hot-soggy-grass

-We went to the mountains to collect Mora (Blackberries) with Inez (the future wife of Humberto) and it was great. We got to commune with nature and lots of thorns. Inez the best investigator we have is going to make us Mermelade. #hotjam

-Humberto has three asistencias [church attendance] and is now qualified for baptism......sort of #put-a-ring-on-it-pls

-I almost had to eat fish for lunch, but my companion is the best and was like, "Hermana? What is that distraction??" and ate it for me. #blessed
It’s not that I don’t like fish, I just never want to eat it. Ever.

Have you ever noticed how great the scriptures are?
I like all of them, but especially right now I like Moses, right after God appears to Moses in (as) the Burning Bush. Because we’re reading it as companions and it’s blowing our tiny minds. #it-might-be-deep-doctrine
God is in every particle of the earth; it’s like Science and Religion were created by the same person or something.....

And one last thing: Our best recent converts have amazing questions. About the Holy Ghost and we’re doing our best to answer them, but we want to know what you think. Did we know the Holy Ghost before this life? Will the Holy Ghost receive a body? if so... when? Won’t we always need the help of the Holy Ghost?
We went right to the scriptures; 1 Nephi 13:22 But what do you know?

could it be Love?
 -Hermana Baer

An artist at work

Inez and her niece, Natalia

Meet the Mormons of our Mateada

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