Monday, March 5, 2018

I would but I JUST CAN´T REACH

[Title references this Gravity Falls episode.]
Also because Everyone and their cousin sent me a sweet sweet letter, I have exactly 25 seconds to write to you.

- INES AND HUMBERTO ARE GONNA GET HITCHED. 12 of May. everyone is invited

-We met a little old man who we will call Juan. He wants to be baptized and so we set a date. Then he told us a story with a lot of words which i didn't understand (which clued me in to the fact that something was strange) then I realized that he was telling us about that one time when he was younger and a gangster and may have killed two or three people. :D don´t worry. Repentance is real. He's totally gonna be baptized. In just one minute or a little longer.

-We had one million people in the chapel and it was a miracle in the old fashioned sense. super great. Even Juan was there. Seriously. We're gonna baptize him.

This week we'll know our transfers. Pray that Hermana Salmeron and I are together one more time. She's amazing. And Crazy. She's the coolest person I know. And we're working our buns off.

Super quick question. This week we studied some stuff and I was wondering what is the difference between doctrine and principle?
Doctine = why
Principle = how???

Okay..... gotta run!!!

Mi compañera She's the best.

Our district. Hermana Salmeron is my companion.

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