Monday, March 26, 2018

Sorry I puked on your sweater*

[*References Strange Brew]

Or something like that. Because we had an amazing first lesson with the cutest young family and their little baby, and then right as we left my best companion said, "HERMANA!!??" And I said, "Oh boy," and then some stuff happened and there was a small accident and we spent like 10 minutes cleaning their sofa. Don’t worry too much. I’m pretty sure we’re gonna baptize them, so it’s basically as if the whole incident was in the house of a member.
It’s fine. I’m sure everything’s fine.

Good news:

-There’s gonna be a secret wedding. I’d tell you all about it but it’s a secret. but not in the bad way. Just pray for these substituted names which God will recognize because he is our Loving Heavenly Father and knows exactly what the heck I’m talking about: Juan and Katrina.
They’re totally gonna get hitched and then they’re gonna be baptized. I can feel it.

-We found Elga! She was in her house, right where everyone said she would be. Also, we’re going to teach her the Restored Gospel and she’s gonna love it. Just as soon as she lets us in or comes to a FHE with our recent converts. Either one.

-Oh yeah. I’m studying the Bible/New Testament. Fo reals. Turns out the church is still true if you read the Bible. #straight-out-of-Jerusalem

-uuuummmmmm...... nuffing. We’re missionaries, so nothing else happened. But you can make stuff happen by praying for these people with your magic prayers:
----Familia Constanzo
----Ines y Humberto
----Hermana Baer and Hermana Salmer贸n that they can have just ONE more Cambio because it’s the next cambio when it’s all gonna come together.

"We walk even more than the Mormons." - Hermana Salmer贸n

Toodles, foodles. See ya in like, 11 months.
-Hermana Baer

Photo: There we were, studying the holy scriptures when Hermana Salmeron was like, "Is there something on my neck?" and I was like, "no, it’s your necklace." Because it’s always her necklace.
Hermana Salmer贸n: "are you sure??"
Hna Baer."Yes I’m su----- don’t move!!!"
Turns out it was just this lil guy.
Don’t worry, we asked if he wanted to be baptized and he left real quick. 馃槢

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