Saturday, April 7, 2018

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times*.

(*References this Simpson's episode)
Wasn’t it just too cool for school to listen to a prophet? How many times did you say, "what now??" It’s like the church is true or something. I dunno. weird.

Today was crazy times. We went to the secret wedding of our best friends and investigators José and Catalina to be testigos (of the wedding, and not to be confused with Testigos de Jehova). But turns out, for what had better be a divinely inspired reason, I couldn’t "legally" sign as a witness...sooooo while everyone else went into the ceremony I had to wait outside, even in outer darkness where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Suddenly all the parables in the scriptures about weddings make a lot more sense...
But it was supes crazy because I had to wait alone. like, really REALLY alone because my companion was a witness and was inside while I was outside. and I had a tiny panic moment. But it’s fine. I’m fine. I called the Mission President’s wife, and she said I wasn’t sinning in that moment.

But it’s okay because now that they are hitched they’re going to be baptized. pronto people. muy pronto. I can feel it in my nuggets. Y’alls prayers are so great. I dunno how you do it. Keep up the gr8 work, Hamstray.

And if you want you can pray for these people also:
-Jose y Catalina (hee hee pls)
-Ines y Humberto
-Francisca (and maybe Ariela)
-Chile, maybe?
The train of the work of the lord never stops. Even in India, Russia, Chile, and Layton. (Respectively).

Bendiciones y saludos a todos.
Nos vemos.
-Hermana Baer

"Whooo is that gourd I see??"
It’s me. So that you can all participate in the shame, I now weigh 10 pounds more than when I left sweet sweet free country USA. It’s like I’m pregnant with twins and a bunkbed.

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