Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Out of the frying pan and into the Baptism by Fire!

(I made that last part up myself.)

one......milion things happened this week.

Tuesday, we went back to the registro civil to finish the job and help our best investigators and now members (spoiler alert) Jose and Catalina get hitched. Turns out, the grumpy man lied to us and I totally can be a witness at weddings. So I witnessed rull good at their ceremony this time.
They’re the greatest.

As we were traveling back to our sector on the bus, they turned to us and said, "Uh, Hermanas? Can we get baptized this Saturday?" and we said, "Hmmmmm.... I dunno, let’s see.... well.... Yeah okay. if you insist." And so it was that the insanity began.

Also the rama wanted us to organize a celebration for them. So we did.

Also the assistants called us the same day as the baptism and said, "Hermanas, you have to have everything in your apartment packed and ready and also find a place to live so that you can move out of your apartment today. :) "
Don’t worry, because later the elders called us again and said, "ha ha false alarm. you’ll just need to be ready to move in May."

Also I died of stress, but I lived and everyone got baptized and also confirmed. Good things do happen.

Their party was beautiful, thank you very much, and they were just so happy and content and filled with the spirit. My favorite part was their daughter, 12 years old, who was baptized about 6 months ago, who began to weep just after Jose was baptized, "¡Que emocion!"

So.... now that it’s all over we’re working like normal missionaries again. Eugenia is gonna pray for her baptismal date. feel free to pray for her as well.

We’re reading the Book of Mormon in 2 months as a mission, and marking all the times that we read the words of the Lord (p.e. asi dice el Señor:...) we love the Book of Mormon. It’s probably the word of God for his children in the world today and stuff.

Hermana Salmeron and I are besties. She’s crazy and amazing and we’re working our foreign buns off. Will we have 1 more cambio together? Tune in next week to find out....
(pls pray that sí pls thx bae :]]] )

Photos: They’re the best, and tiniest people I know. Also they have twins. :)

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