Thursday, April 19, 2018


This week....

It’s now been 8 months. I’ll see you all in like 10 more months. Pls wait for me if you’re gonna do anything fun cause I have FOMO [fear of missing out].

Our investigator Eugenia had a confrontation in her Libro de Mormon with a spirit? Maybe THE spirit... Because she found 2 Nephi 31: 5,17 marked up rull good but her Book of Mormon is brand spankin’ new (Testificamos of this). Also she had a lot of questions/ doubts about Baptism and when she read this she said, "uh oh. I think I have to pray now."

 Also, we went to Salto de Laja. It’s pretty neature. Lots of water, if ya know what I mean.

We did other stuff.... But darn it I just can’t remember anything... :/
Ines and Humberto are so ready for their wedding, we’re teaching some other people, but we’ll just have to wait and see how it all turns out... or if they turn up...
Feel free to pray for Isidora. (Remember her?)

Oh yeah, we still don’t know Cambios. Use all the energy of heart to fill your prayers with our companionship. I believe in you, people.

We’re reading in the Book of Mormon as a companerismo and mission and I think It’s pretty good. 10/10. Would recommend. God speaks to his people. Sometimes I love Nephi, and sometimes, I just want to beat him with a rod?? but I love that he speaks and teaches with clarity. I dunno why but this time 2 Nephi 5:16 made me laugh. "Our temple was like the temple of Solomon. Well, kind of. Not quite as nice, but, still pretty good. 3/5. C+." Hey, have you read Isaiah? It has exactly the most confusing and deeply meaningful words of Christ. Maybe give it a try?

Heads up our P-days will be changing. As of April 24, we will have P-days Tuesdays. Please adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

I’m Hermana Baer, and this is Insanity. Peace OUT.

Meet my machine! I live in the year 2003. #blastfromthepast #blastedpast #arrepentamiento #you’reahizardwarry

Charqui is like Jerky.... But this was HORSE JERKY?? For your information, it tastes EXACTLY LIKE YOU MIGHT EXPECT. but hairier. Mostly just imagine biting a horse. :P

The rocks are.......weird. But the waterfall was pretty.

We went to lunch one time. They´re pretty cool, this family.

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