Monday, February 19, 2018

There’s Just....No TIME!!

Subject line because I live in the no time zone

This week I developed a Testimony of Prayer with my best Companion Hermana Salmeron.

Remember that one time when Hermana Salmeron prayed to receive revelation about how to make Empenadas de Queso....... and then she made the most delicious empenadas I’ve ever had? and I said.... Is this real life?? #Godisinthedetails #alsointhekitchen

Next we prayed for our investigator Eugenia to assist [attend] Church Sunday. And when we arrived at her house before church and she came to the door in her pearly white pijamas we were like.....oh no. And she said, "I dunno, Hermanas, maybe it’s better that I just don’t go........." and after a brief pause she said, "okay actually let’s go!! help me make breakfast!" and thus we hastily departed to eat and also walk to church. And I think she liked it a lot! Now she’s going to pray to see if she should be baptized march 10th.

All sorts of little prayers have been answered.

One more!
Today we were walking like five miles to our Zone activity, and Hermana Salmeron Prayed that someone (good) would pass by and give us a ride. AND THIS REALLY HAPPENED: A cute little lady passed and said, "Hermanas! I know exactly where you are going, it’s right next to my house, I saw the other missionaries there this morning! Let’s go!!" I almost died right there because she’s not even a member.......YET.

OKAY I GOTTA GO!! I promise photos next time. HA HA. time. lol.

I’m also going to send the coolest baby names you’ve ever not heard. #MAPUCHE

See you all in one year.
-Hermanerm Baer

A huge thanks to everyone else who believes in Prayer and is praying for the missionaries and for our investigators. Pls to pray for these people:
Catalina y Jose
Ines y Humberto


Oh hey, here are photos of our zone activity today! Can you see me now?

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