Saturday, September 15, 2018

"That there’s conjunctivitis. It’s Hereditary."

11 September 2018

[Title references this scene from Rango.]

Quote because I bought earrings and I wanted to get my ear nubs perforated, but I couldn’t find anyone who wasn’t a hobo who would do it for me and I kept thinking of that scene when I thought about street piercings.... soooo. Next time baby.

ANYWAYS. not that that had anything to do with anything.

BEST NEWS EVER. Remember my frens Ines and Humberto from the Cabrero days? THEY GOT THEMSELVES BAPTIZED!!! :D feel free to enjoy a divine photo.

Also we just keep on working. Roberto wants to be baptized sa durn much. He even came back to church on Sunday.

Yesterday, after a week of nothing because we were doing so many other activities, we found like 4 amazing new people with interest. They’re all so prepared and we are going to baptize them so hard.

Sept 18th is Independence day in Chile. Everyone is going nuts and we won’t be able to be on the streets after 6 PM. I hope that I can get some videos of all the traditional dresses and dances, but in the meantime, serve yourself to a Google Search with the following words:
-18 de septiembre, Chile
-Empenadas (de queso, que rico!)
-Templo, Concepcion, Chile

Other than that.... ehhh, we’ll be in the temple next week, so I’ll just have to tell you all more on MONDAY, Sept 17. We’ll be in Concepcion for the 18th, so it will be a party people. But a consecrated one.

 More to come. Stay fresh.
-Hermana Baer

INES y HUMBERTO!! they’re also going to go the temple people. Stay tuned for Sept. 2019.

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