Thursday, September 20, 2018

Bu-bye, bu-bye now, bye!

I feel like Barbie. "My cheeks are killing me."

Good news, friends! Right now we’re working in the temple! As in, this very moment! It’s really neat, and also completely insane. Also, sorry that we didn’t write to you all like we said we would Monday, but turns out that this whole week is a holiday in Chile, so there weren’t any computer places open. So we’re using the computers at the temple. jeje. Holy Computations, Batman! For this very reason, I am so sorry but I can’t send any photos because.... I don’t have my camera.

I can answer all your questions. Or at least give responses.

-Somebody asked about my training experience. Mostly I was just like, "Welcome to the mission. You will now be my companion." and then I just worked like she was my normal companion, but with a little bit more explanations and practices at first. Now she’s a champ, and obviously that doesn’t have anything to do with me. But allow me to share a story of our first days. I think I already told you all that the firemen here in Chile have an alarm that sounds everyday and 12:00. Hna Cepeda’s first day, when the alarm sounded I said, "OH NO HERMANA! This alarm is an earthquake warning! we have 60 seconds to prepare ourselves for the earthquake!! Are yOu REaDy?1?" very frantic and panic like. And she was like, "wut NNNoooOOOO????!"
And I was like, "nah I’m just kidding. :}))"
She didn’t think it was that funny. But it was a little funny.
Anyways, Hermana Cepeda is a MAQUINA de verdad. She is so fun and crazy, and knows how to do EVERYTHING. She made me a little black dress which you will all see in photos of the temple! :) She’s really the companion that I needed these 2 cambios.

-We will be here working at the temple open house for 6 days. :)) Lots of crazy things. We’ve had people share all kinds of experiences and also all kinds of questions. It’s really neat! For example, we’ve had people talk about feeling the presence of departed loved ones, seeing sacred things in the mirrors in the temple, recognizing temple rooms from dreams, and just feeling really, really good.
Also, as in all things, there are those who choose not to enjoy. But we don’t worry about them. They’re just missing out on what we know makes us happy. :) Like when you serve someone ice cream and they don’t want to eat it. "You are a sad strange little man. And you have my pity. FAREWELL."
But we all have to be on barbie behavior, smiling even when we don’t know what the heck we’re talking about. It’s fun because smiles are contagious, but also exhausting.

-It is a little bit warmer here. I didn’t really have too much of a problem with the cold here because.... Cache Valley. But it is really wet. and it was hard to stay warm and dry. Also because there aren’t any heaters inside buildings. It’s all little iron stove thingies like you might see in movies where the people live in 1836 and still burn wood. Stupendous. Mostly everyone in Chile just stays inside. Sad but true.

If you all want to keep praying for Roberto that would be great. :) he’s making amazing progress and is going to be baptized the 29, next Saturday!! Yay!

Okay that’s all the time I have, so sorry!!

Talk to you all later!

THERE IS ONE FOTO! This is us at the temple! Also the dress that Hermana Cepeda gave me for my cumplemes. 13 meses y’all :)

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