Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Where did everbody go??

25 September 2018

Us when we arrived in our sector after being in the temple for one whole week. Or rather, just outside the temple in a giant tent. Still good.

I don't really know what to tell you all, except that you HAVE TO GO TO THE TEMPLE. I love the temple. I got so many answers. And they were more than just the subtle kind. probs because I'm not very good at receiving subtle answers. hehe. Also... the temple is pretty darn trunky people. sorry but the whole eternal families thing?? Please calm down.

Also so many happy people. And they wanted to know more... What? It was so nice. I'll just send you a few photos so you can see for yourself.

Also Roberto wants to be baptized this Saturday. Pls say some prayers that that can still happen. :D He's so ready!

If any of you need questions answered, please visit the temple! And also pray. That seems to work pretty good. I know that the temple really is where families can be together forever!

That is all. See you in 5 months. :D

 -Hermana Baer

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