Thursday, October 18, 2018


From Winnie the Pooh. for reasons that will be made clear mas al rato 

Okay, so everyone wants to know about Tijeral so here we go!!
We live in Renaico, which is like 15 minutes in bus from Tijeral.

Tijeral is..... smaller than you think, you can walk from one side to the other in like ten minutes. 
soo.... cool beans. Mostly in Tijeral the work is Reactivation... BUT!! in the other pueblo that is technically part of Tijeral as well, MININCO, we work on holy ground. It was recently opened to the missionaries so everyone is like, "what is this True Church of which you speak and how can I be part of it?" We have 3 people who already said they would like to be baptized. Noice.

It's windy here so there are some pretty neat windmills (is that the word?? windy tower things?
Propellers on a stick??) here. It is 100000% campo. literally so hard core campo. Its very pretty. but there’s a lot of dust soooo just in time for summer allergies!! #unexpectedblessings

The chapel is about the size of something very small. There are 3 rooms and we have about 25 asisting members. Not bad for such a small area and also chapel.

My current companion is Hna Dioses. She’s from Argentina and is just about the same height as me, but with like 50% more battery power. She WORKS SO HARD PEOPLE. so hard. I was like, "daing baby grill..." But this will be her 4th cambio in Renaico Tijeral, so I’m thinking it will probably also be her last.... to be said not in a threating way. She is going to complete 5 months in the mission, and I’m her 2nd companion... so that’s cool (?) for me?

Nuff bout that. Let’s talk about me!! Best story this week: AT LAST I GOT FOOD POISONING!! All this time in South America and I hadn’t even had a cool story. but now I do. So there we were just after lunch and my stomach said, "RRRGGHGHH" and I said, "That’s never a good sound." And then I was like, "Hermana, I think I might be a little sick." And she said, "That’s okay, we are close to a members house, so right after these appointments and a few more hours of contacting we can finish our FHE and then head for the house :)" And I said... nuffing.... Then at exactly 6:45 during the FHE, the hermano said, "Hna Baer, you don’t look too good" and I said, " :´])) really.....? " and he said, "Does your stomach hurt? You should probably go to the doctor..." and I said, "ok" and my companion said, "right after we finish." and he said, "or right now." and I said, "great." so we left rull fast and then right outside their house I keeled right over. What a treat. literally in the gutter in the rain like in the movies. it was awesome. Then my companion was like, "are you okay?" and I said "BLAARGHHRH HURUGHLG" and she said, "I think I’m going to call someone to see if they can take us to the house." and they did. And I threw up more than I’ve ever thrown up in my whole life. So much. I didn’t even know I ate that much. But the good news is it’s all over now, and I don’t like food anymore, so I will be returning to a normal weight prontito no mas :D #hiddenblessings.

In the other and final news, I’ve been trying to figure out the difference between Faith and Hope... Obviously we have Faith in Jesus Christ, and we Hope that through Him good things will happen, but check out PMG chap 6 and it seems to me like they’re almost the same... what do you think?

Also I had literally no idea that the prophet invited us to read the BOM so I’m a wee bit behind (mine) in that, but hang in there, I’m finna do it. Are you down?

Also.. just in this very moment here in the ciber I saw that a virus straight up attacked my SD card... so pls pray that my camera will not lose every photo. I’ll see if I can send you stuff in a hot second. :))

[She tried to send photos, but they didn't come through. Next week, hopefully.]


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