Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I would but I just... can’t reach....

Me trying to type all the things that happened this week and also answer questions.

- Did they dedicate the temple? YES THEY DID. And it was lovely. And also mostly in English. #blessed #TrueChruch #I-LOVE-SPANISH-MORE-THAN-ENGLISH
Also the best Recent Converts from Tijeral went and sat right in the front row. So precious. They’re like... old and wonderful and it was a miracle they arrived. I love the temple so many and I’m so glad that I’ve been blessed with the most temple experiences I could possibly have here in the mission. So cool to be part of the process!

- The prophet came to Chile and spoke to the youth, but since we’re missionaries we don’t count as youth.... bummer. Everyone said it was a great devotional. #next time baby.

- Also we gon baptize 3 children of the Lord on Thursday named Silvana, Joaquin, and Isabel. Then we’re going to party so hard. O Sea work with members for a few hours.........yup. permiso.

- Thursday is also day of the dead so we’ll be doing some neat service in the cemetery in the morning. please hold for photos.... Then Friday is some sort of a holiday for the Evangelicos.... soooo. Enjoy a long weekend and be sure to sing your alabanzas de bendiciones.

- Are you reading in The Book of Mormon? I am. It’s pretty darn good. I like Isaías even though half the time I don’t know what the heck he’s talking about. What a dude. He sure had some neat revelations, personal and also prophetic.

- Question and Answer: We live with 2 other Hermanas who work in Renaico. Just us. We sleep in Renaico, but everything else we do is in Tijeral or Mininco. Literally. #life_in_the_skreet. We take the bus always. #May_God_Keep_and_Bless_Public_Transportation...

- Ummmmm. Other than that nothing. Here are some photos, por mientras. Thanks for love and prayers. Im gonna neeeed em. Keep up the good work I’m also praying for family back home!

Love, or whatever you call it,
-Hermana Baer

Temple Dedications!

When the graffiti is sappy. The beating of your heart is the best sound.... #so_beautiful #so_angst

Our best mission leader. Hermano Alex. We sing himnos for everyone with his little ukulele, and they all ask, "Where did you find such a tiny guitar??" #I_hart_chile

District Halloween Costumes.... sort of. We’re only humble servants of the Lord, people. BUT!! Yes those are COMPLETOS!!

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