Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Best of Times . . .

2 October 2018

The Blurst of Times...

The good news is Roberto got baptized!!
The bad news is he did not show up to be confirmed.... total bummer.
But we talked to him before and also after so.... he will be confirmed at some point this week. 😓 It’s fine. everything is fine. We know that if the Lord helped us to find and baptize Roberto, we can also confirm him!! Miracles are out there!

Also... Are you people prepared for a conference that is going to blow your mind nugget?? I am. I have like 1000 questions. or maybe just like 13. but it still counts. I am 100% excited to receive a buttload of revelation. I know that the prophet is the voice of God - he speaks the same things that Jesus would say. and that’s why we should listen. it’s like a personal skype with Christ for like, 8 hours. What could be better?? I invite all of you to think of your questions and then write them down and watch the miracles and answers roll out. It’s gonna be big.

In other news, we will be having CAMBIOS!! So weird. I can’t believe we’re finishing the training of my little child Hermana Cepeda. She’s gonna do big things in the mission. Just you wait and see! I dunno if I’ll be staying here in Victoria or heading to another little piece of Chile. All things in the wisdom and timetable of the Lord, right??

Thanks to everyone who always helps us so much with magic prayers. I know with all my heart that prayers are ALWAYS answered. Sometimes more than we want... heehee. but always.

Hope you all have an amazing conference weekend and are spiritually and physically filled :]))

L8R dudes
-Hermana Baer

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