Monday, March 26, 2018

Sorry I puked on your sweater*

[*References Strange Brew]

Or something like that. Because we had an amazing first lesson with the cutest young family and their little baby, and then right as we left my best companion said, "HERMANA!!??" And I said, "Oh boy," and then some stuff happened and there was a small accident and we spent like 10 minutes cleaning their sofa. Don’t worry too much. I’m pretty sure we’re gonna baptize them, so it’s basically as if the whole incident was in the house of a member.
It’s fine. I’m sure everything’s fine.

Good news:

-There’s gonna be a secret wedding. I’d tell you all about it but it’s a secret. but not in the bad way. Just pray for these substituted names which God will recognize because he is our Loving Heavenly Father and knows exactly what the heck I’m talking about: Juan and Katrina.
They’re totally gonna get hitched and then they’re gonna be baptized. I can feel it.

-We found Elga! She was in her house, right where everyone said she would be. Also, we’re going to teach her the Restored Gospel and she’s gonna love it. Just as soon as she lets us in or comes to a FHE with our recent converts. Either one.

-Oh yeah. I’m studying the Bible/New Testament. Fo reals. Turns out the church is still true if you read the Bible. #straight-out-of-Jerusalem

-uuuummmmmm...... nuffing. We’re missionaries, so nothing else happened. But you can make stuff happen by praying for these people with your magic prayers:
----Familia Constanzo
----Ines y Humberto
----Hermana Baer and Hermana Salmer贸n that they can have just ONE more Cambio because it’s the next cambio when it’s all gonna come together.

"We walk even more than the Mormons." - Hermana Salmer贸n

Toodles, foodles. See ya in like, 11 months.
-Hermana Baer

Photo: There we were, studying the holy scriptures when Hermana Salmeron was like, "Is there something on my neck?" and I was like, "no, it’s your necklace." Because it’s always her necklace.
Hermana Salmer贸n: "are you sure??"
Hna Baer."Yes I’m su----- don’t move!!!"
Turns out it was just this lil guy.
Don’t worry, we asked if he wanted to be baptized and he left real quick. 馃槢

Monday, March 19, 2018

You are one silly goose*

[*references this Supernatural gag reel.]

Mostly because we live like crazy people, Hermana Salmeron and I. probably because.... we are crazy people.

Today we uncovered a great Chilean secret recipe: HUMITAS. they’re basically tomales, but turns out they take like 7 hours to make, or in other words, one whole p-day. And for this delicious blessing you will now be referred to a short and sweet summary of what we did this week.

-We had a mulitzone [conference] with Presidente Teixeira, our area president. It was great and we were spiritually destroyed, during and afterwards. The thing he said that most impressed me was this: If you have to choose between being trusted or loved, choose first to be trusted. Love will follow. It may be because he said it in English. But it’s true. And I like it.

-One time we were contacting for 5 hours when a little girl popped up from behind a fence and said, "Hey, are you the Mormon missionaries?" and we said ".......yes." and she screamed, "GREAT BECAUSE I’M NINE YEARS OLD AND I WANT TO BE MORMON!!!!" and we said, "wat in de fweet is going on here??" And that’s how we met Victoria.

-We spent another day contacting and looking for a reference and we found her. It doesn’t sound very exciting but we were thrilled, people. Thrilled I tell you. Miracles are real.

- In my study I learned a lot of things mostly I just felt good reading the scriptures. Hermana Teixeira reminded us of the importance of the Book of Mormon, so I’m gonna pass her message along. Use the Book of Mormon Everyday. Pls. It’s so good.

-Deep doctrine. Hermana Salmeron and I are crazy and we sometimes get carried away. Whadya think, could the Liahona be an Urim and Thumim? What even happened to the Sword of Laban? Are the stories of a young Abraham destroying the wooden idols of his father true?

And lastly a challenge: Where are the missionaries in your ward (Family, did you know there are 4 Elders in our ward? I wonder what they are doing

We’re praying for all of you, and love to hear what you’re doing.
Cu铆dense! Nos vemos!
 -Hermana Baer


Monday, March 12, 2018

Santa Maria, Santa Barbara SANTA CLAUS*

(*references Che Hora Es?)

This week:

-YOUR PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED Hermana Salmeron and I are gonna be together another transfer. #blessings

-We helped the Bomberos (Firemen) in a service project with a lot of heavy lifting and when we finished all the work in like 20 minutes they were like, "Uh...... gr8 job. I dunno why we didn’t do that earlier...." And we said, "Probably because we’re missionaries. Wanna be baptized?" and they said, "Oh my, do you hear that? I think there’s a fire or something. We gotta go. You too."
So we went to do another service project in a garden. It was great also. Then we had completos and soda.

-Just today for P-day we went to YUMBEL to "meet" San Sebastian. I was like, "I had no idea the body of San Sebastian was here???" Turns out I was confused for a reason because there’s really nothing but a chubby little statue and a wall of miracles. So many miracles. Turns out this saint just keeps giving. Fear not. We definitely asked for Baptisms. ;])) It was fun and I may or may not have purchased various keepsakes which may or may not include un rosario. #no-one-can-know-for-sure #oops #thank-goodness-for-repentance

It’s good to know that we can pray directly to our Loving Heavenly Father, and we don’t need to wait for some (naked) dead guy to do it for us. That’s why we have Agency and also prayer and also a body. So that with God, we can do all things.

-Turns out sometimes we work rull hard and then suddenly all our work pays off. Then other times it doesn’t and we just keep working. What I learned from this transfer is a lot of stuff. Mostly that it’s way better to be yourself as a missionary because we teach better when we love. I was reviewing a note from my teacher in the MTC which said, God needs your love more than he needs your language. I think it’s probably true.

How can YOU love someone today in the way that God would love them?
D&C 121
Alma 26:5
D&C 27:15

There are a lot of photos this week. I dunno, I guess you could use your little eyeballs and look at them and wonder about what they are... I know somewhere in there is a wall of all the miracles, my companion as a Bombero, San Sebastian, and one miracle in specific which included a bag of hair...???? Who know what happened there....

-Hermana Baer

Monday, March 5, 2018

I would but I JUST CAN´T REACH

[Title references this Gravity Falls episode.]
Also because Everyone and their cousin sent me a sweet sweet letter, I have exactly 25 seconds to write to you.

- INES AND HUMBERTO ARE GONNA GET HITCHED. 12 of May. everyone is invited

-We met a little old man who we will call Juan. He wants to be baptized and so we set a date. Then he told us a story with a lot of words which i didn't understand (which clued me in to the fact that something was strange) then I realized that he was telling us about that one time when he was younger and a gangster and may have killed two or three people. :D don´t worry. Repentance is real. He's totally gonna be baptized. In just one minute or a little longer.

-We had one million people in the chapel and it was a miracle in the old fashioned sense. super great. Even Juan was there. Seriously. We're gonna baptize him.

This week we'll know our transfers. Pray that Hermana Salmeron and I are together one more time. She's amazing. And Crazy. She's the coolest person I know. And we're working our buns off.

Super quick question. This week we studied some stuff and I was wondering what is the difference between doctrine and principle?
Doctine = why
Principle = how???

Okay..... gotta run!!!

Mi compa帽era She's the best.

Our district. Hermana Salmeron is my companion.