Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The good news is we’re landing soon.

The bad news is.... we’re crash landing. [from Madagascar 2]

Oh ye of little faith. Could ye not watch with me one hour? Thanks for your prayers, and I’m sure it’s all very inspired, but Hermana Salmerón and I finished our time together. so sad. It was weird to leave Cabrero, and mostly leave my companion there. But it’s okay. the mission is like that. SOME VERY CRAZY STUFF HAPPENED.

It all began when Hermana Salmeron was a little very sick with influenza. Then for some reason she decided to faint in the shower. And great was the fall thereof. She definitely dislocated her right knee. Like, a lot. so we called a member and drove to 3 different hospitals all of which said, "Why on earth would we have service for an emergency??"
But it’s fine. We finally found a consultorio and she got some x-rays and she is now resting in peace.

But now I’m living in Tolhuaca/Victoria, in the South. What the--? it’s cold out here. Suddenly. But no worries I have many coats of one color. And my new companion is Hermana Hansen. My first Gringa companion! She’s pretty cool. I think we’re going to get along just fine. Turns out we’re like the same person. She even lived in the Branbury for a hot second. What a small, crazy little world.

This week I was reading the scriptures. Mostly Isaiah. Which is even more difficult in Spanish, just so you know. But I like it a lot. Our challenge as a mission is to read the scriptures and mark the words of Christ.... Isaiah is a whole new level of challenge. It’s interesting to read and re-read the words of the prophets, and then discover that "whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants it is the same. Sooooooo maybe I should just mark all of the Book of Mormon??? I dunno. I just know the Book of Mormon is fabulous.

I’m done. Kay bye.

Activity with the Rama.... so gross so fun. Hna Salmeron, Our Rama Mision leader, and an investigator. 

The Hermanas of Los Angeles.

Johann Sebastian Vach. the very much lesser known composer. Chile is so special.

P.S. The 1 of May is a holiday in Chile, so the cibers will be closed, probably. See you all..... Wednesday maybe.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


This week....

It’s now been 8 months. I’ll see you all in like 10 more months. Pls wait for me if you’re gonna do anything fun cause I have FOMO [fear of missing out].

Our investigator Eugenia had a confrontation in her Libro de Mormon with a spirit? Maybe THE spirit... Because she found 2 Nephi 31: 5,17 marked up rull good but her Book of Mormon is brand spankin’ new (Testificamos of this). Also she had a lot of questions/ doubts about Baptism and when she read this she said, "uh oh. I think I have to pray now."

 Also, we went to Salto de Laja. It’s pretty neature. Lots of water, if ya know what I mean.

We did other stuff.... But darn it I just can’t remember anything... :/
Ines and Humberto are so ready for their wedding, we’re teaching some other people, but we’ll just have to wait and see how it all turns out... or if they turn up...
Feel free to pray for Isidora. (Remember her?)

Oh yeah, we still don’t know Cambios. Use all the energy of heart to fill your prayers with our companionship. I believe in you, people.

We’re reading in the Book of Mormon as a companerismo and mission and I think It’s pretty good. 10/10. Would recommend. God speaks to his people. Sometimes I love Nephi, and sometimes, I just want to beat him with a rod?? but I love that he speaks and teaches with clarity. I dunno why but this time 2 Nephi 5:16 made me laugh. "Our temple was like the temple of Solomon. Well, kind of. Not quite as nice, but, still pretty good. 3/5. C+." Hey, have you read Isaiah? It has exactly the most confusing and deeply meaningful words of Christ. Maybe give it a try?

Heads up our P-days will be changing. As of April 24, we will have P-days Tuesdays. Please adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

I’m Hermana Baer, and this is Insanity. Peace OUT.

Meet my machine! I live in the year 2003. #blastfromthepast #blastedpast #arrepentamiento #you’reahizardwarry

Charqui is like Jerky.... But this was HORSE JERKY?? For your information, it tastes EXACTLY LIKE YOU MIGHT EXPECT. but hairier. Mostly just imagine biting a horse. :P

The rocks are.......weird. But the waterfall was pretty.

We went to lunch one time. They´re pretty cool, this family.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Out of the frying pan and into the Baptism by Fire!

(I made that last part up myself.)

one......milion things happened this week.

Tuesday, we went back to the registro civil to finish the job and help our best investigators and now members (spoiler alert) Jose and Catalina get hitched. Turns out, the grumpy man lied to us and I totally can be a witness at weddings. So I witnessed rull good at their ceremony this time.
They’re the greatest.

As we were traveling back to our sector on the bus, they turned to us and said, "Uh, Hermanas? Can we get baptized this Saturday?" and we said, "Hmmmmm.... I dunno, let’s see.... well.... Yeah okay. if you insist." And so it was that the insanity began.

Also the rama wanted us to organize a celebration for them. So we did.

Also the assistants called us the same day as the baptism and said, "Hermanas, you have to have everything in your apartment packed and ready and also find a place to live so that you can move out of your apartment today. :) "
Don’t worry, because later the elders called us again and said, "ha ha false alarm. you’ll just need to be ready to move in May."

Also I died of stress, but I lived and everyone got baptized and also confirmed. Good things do happen.

Their party was beautiful, thank you very much, and they were just so happy and content and filled with the spirit. My favorite part was their daughter, 12 years old, who was baptized about 6 months ago, who began to weep just after Jose was baptized, "¡Que emocion!"

So.... now that it’s all over we’re working like normal missionaries again. Eugenia is gonna pray for her baptismal date. feel free to pray for her as well.

We’re reading the Book of Mormon in 2 months as a mission, and marking all the times that we read the words of the Lord (p.e. asi dice el Señor:...) we love the Book of Mormon. It’s probably the word of God for his children in the world today and stuff.

Hermana Salmeron and I are besties. She’s crazy and amazing and we’re working our foreign buns off. Will we have 1 more cambio together? Tune in next week to find out....
(pls pray that sí pls thx bae :]]] )

Photos: They’re the best, and tiniest people I know. Also they have twins. :)

Saturday, April 7, 2018

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times*.

(*References this Simpson's episode)
Wasn’t it just too cool for school to listen to a prophet? How many times did you say, "what now??" It’s like the church is true or something. I dunno. weird.

Today was crazy times. We went to the secret wedding of our best friends and investigators José and Catalina to be testigos (of the wedding, and not to be confused with Testigos de Jehova). But turns out, for what had better be a divinely inspired reason, I couldn’t "legally" sign as a witness...sooooo while everyone else went into the ceremony I had to wait outside, even in outer darkness where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Suddenly all the parables in the scriptures about weddings make a lot more sense...
But it was supes crazy because I had to wait alone. like, really REALLY alone because my companion was a witness and was inside while I was outside. and I had a tiny panic moment. But it’s fine. I’m fine. I called the Mission President’s wife, and she said I wasn’t sinning in that moment.

But it’s okay because now that they are hitched they’re going to be baptized. pronto people. muy pronto. I can feel it in my nuggets. Y’alls prayers are so great. I dunno how you do it. Keep up the gr8 work, Hamstray.

And if you want you can pray for these people also:
-Jose y Catalina (hee hee pls)
-Ines y Humberto
-Francisca (and maybe Ariela)
-Chile, maybe?
The train of the work of the lord never stops. Even in India, Russia, Chile, and Layton. (Respectively).

Bendiciones y saludos a todos.
Nos vemos.
-Hermana Baer

"Whooo is that gourd I see??"
It’s me. So that you can all participate in the shame, I now weigh 10 pounds more than when I left sweet sweet free country USA. It’s like I’m pregnant with twins and a bunkbed.