Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hasta la Visa, Baby

Good news! I am now legal in Chile! Mostly because I have a Visa now. It was a serious process, but none of that matters now.

This week. What happened? Nothing. There was      So.        Much.       RAIN.
and none of that Utah type rain. This is the wet stuff. Turns out winter starts early in this city.

Funny experience: We've been working to reactivate a member, and we called her Sunday morning before church to remind her that the Gospel's true so she should come and renew her covenants, and she said rather groggily, "mmfff, ya, okay I'll be there. Yawn." So we waited in the chapel and the meeting began and we never saw her enter. After the sacrament, we snucked out to call her and be all like, "where you at?" and she definitely answered and said, "Hermanas, I'm here in the chapel listening to the talks....." and we said, "oh... why are you answering the phone??" And then we died of embarrassment. mostly because it was a disaster and the whole rama knew that we called her during the meeting.

Thank you all so much for the support and help and prayers.

Apart from that. Nothing. So much nothing.

Not even photos. Or are there? You'll just have to wait 9 months and see.....

-Hermana Baer

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Get in Loser, We’re going shopping

We went shopping today.

It was really weird because we went to Temuco and went to PORTAL, the mall. We walked in the front doors and we were in a completely different world. I almost died of joys. I accidentally bought a shirt. Also we went to a burger joint and had a hamburger!! It was divine.

I BOUGHT A ROOTBEER. I don’t know if you know how big that is.
I’ll tell ya, It’s big, people.

This week, Leonardo decided that he may leave to live in Temuco because there have been a lot of problems with his house. It will be sad to see him go, because he was making such great progress in his prayers and in his reading of the Book of Mormon. But, these things do happen.

I too, like to read in the Book of Mormon. Sometimes it’s the highlight of my whole day. I’m finally at all the war chapters, and what has really grabbed my attention (besides the fact that Moroni is basically Captain Ancient America) is the difference that one person can make. Alma 46:9 "Yea, and we also see the great wickedness one very wicked man can cause to take place among the children of men." We are one person, and even if we don’t feel like it, our actions make a difference. Maybe not in the way we hope, (like maybe *cough, cough* baptisms) but they always have consequences. Moroni was also just one very righteous man, and look what a difference he made! What kind of difference will you try to make? The good kind, or the bad kind?

Funny translation error: in my talk last Sunday, I said "Dios tiene un PAN perfecto por cada uno de sus hijos." that definitely means that God has a perfect Bread for everyone. (PLAN not PAN dain it).

Apart from studies and the tragic passing of investigatores, we contacted the whole week. Sooooooo....oo..o that. I wish I could tell you more things but everyday is the same day. yay.

Okay see ya in like 9 months.

-Hermana Baer

9 months of hard labor = 2 empenadas de Queso. Totes worth it.

my fab compy at JACKS american burgers. rull good.

How ya like them apples?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wanna sniff the air or commune with the buffalo...?

(Using your... ingenuity; No offense taken!)

Hey. Y’all looked great in your pixelated little internet call. It was so nice to talk to you.

And that’s why today I don’t really have much more to tell yas.

Subject line because we went to the Mercado Mapuche, which was pretty indigenous, if you know what I mean. I bought some stuff, and saw a lot of really neat things, like such as instruments, ponchos, sweaters, hats, blankets, jewelry, and just about anything you can think of. We’ll be going back another day, so If there’s anything you’d like lemme know that’d be great, thx. but seriously I’m always like, "This would be so perfect for ____!.......or maybe not??" So, just tell me the truth.

Also this week, we worked with Leonardo, who still doesn’t seem to understand that going to church to renew sacred covenants will bless him more than playing soccer with his amigos. But that’s okay. I think the Lord will help him find an answer if he really starts to pray about it. Other than that, he’s doing super great! He really likes the Book of Mormon and always asks if we can read together and leave a chapter for him to read. It’s probably because it’s so inspired. I love the Book of Mormon, and I love that it has answers to LITERALLY every question we might have.

mmmhmmm. That’s ‘ere thing.

PHOTOS: at last I have some stuff for you!

Can you bake a pie? (well neither can I...) 

His name is Bucky and he is a good boy.

That there’s a volcano.

ha ha. Check out our easy bake oven:  "When all is said and done.... it makes good toast."

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Lost in Translation

"Te quiero mama....." (I love you, mom) or rather 
"I want you Mom" :]))) 
Happy Mother's Day! 

And that is why direct translations never don’t work. The which will go to make it so that the skype the Sunday will be diverting.

This week, the Hermana Hansen and I we worked our little buns off. Literally, we touched doors for all the day everyday. :) What diversion. But it’s okay, because we met a lot of people, and learned a lot about how to introduce the same old gospel in new ways.

But in the Mulit-zona I did see the Hermana ELLIS!!! My best companion of the CCM!! She looks great. (Also that’s Elder Toros...... He’s Chilean.)

There are 2 chapels in the city of Victoria, which is just about the same size as Providence and has 2 different Ramas. We work in the Rama of TOLHUACA.

This week in my studies of the Book of Mormon, I read about the people of Limhi and the People of Alma (the older), and it really surprised me how each group had the same problem, being slaves to the Lamanites, and they solved their problems in similar manners, the only difference being the people of Limhi had to do everything themselves, and the people of Alma when they put their whole faith in the Lord, were freed through a miracle, all they had to do was wait and trust in God. This doesn’t mean that we will always be delivered from our problems if we do nothing, but I know that when we put our whole faith in God, He has the best solution. I don’t think this made as much sense in words as it did in my left side brain. sorry. The Book of Mormon is true.

See y’all in like 9 monthsish

-Hermanerm Mern

PHOTOS: The chapel of Tolhuaca is the most Cuico (kwi-co) or like, nicest/richest, chapel I’ve seen in Chile. I was like, "Wow, are they gonna put a temple here or something?" The answer is, um... no. probably no.

Here’s our room. hee hee... "It’s a bit of a mess, isn’t it?" (Said in my best Paul voice) I’ll be looking for more normal, or not so normal things to send photos of.

Bonus message:
Well Howdy do?

Get 'em! Get 'em!

Check out this little guy....

Friday, May 4, 2018

All grood in the hood

Mom's note: we didn't get a letter this week, so I. . . well. . .hacked into Noelle's email and found this draft. :)
This week:
We decided to go "off roading" and discovered a nice *cough*rich*cough* little neighborhood. Which we promptly contacted. Obviously. We're missionaries people. It was a beautiful day to visit the country.

For your informations: -Tolhuaca is my sector. It's just the other side of the tracks fromVictoria. Quite literally. bien flaite, si sabes que estoy diciendo...But not to worry. My companion is Hermana Hansen. She's from Taylorsville, Utah and studied at UVU.


[Noelle's update, 8 May 2018]


The photo of the beehive is in the church in the room of the Young Women, I thought it was kind of cute.... maybe the cutest thing I've seen in Chile. :)