Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Get in Loser, We’re going shopping

We went shopping today.

It was really weird because we went to Temuco and went to PORTAL, the mall. We walked in the front doors and we were in a completely different world. I almost died of joys. I accidentally bought a shirt. Also we went to a burger joint and had a hamburger!! It was divine.

I BOUGHT A ROOTBEER. I don’t know if you know how big that is.
I’ll tell ya, It’s big, people.

This week, Leonardo decided that he may leave to live in Temuco because there have been a lot of problems with his house. It will be sad to see him go, because he was making such great progress in his prayers and in his reading of the Book of Mormon. But, these things do happen.

I too, like to read in the Book of Mormon. Sometimes it’s the highlight of my whole day. I’m finally at all the war chapters, and what has really grabbed my attention (besides the fact that Moroni is basically Captain Ancient America) is the difference that one person can make. Alma 46:9 "Yea, and we also see the great wickedness one very wicked man can cause to take place among the children of men." We are one person, and even if we don’t feel like it, our actions make a difference. Maybe not in the way we hope, (like maybe *cough, cough* baptisms) but they always have consequences. Moroni was also just one very righteous man, and look what a difference he made! What kind of difference will you try to make? The good kind, or the bad kind?

Funny translation error: in my talk last Sunday, I said "Dios tiene un PAN perfecto por cada uno de sus hijos." that definitely means that God has a perfect Bread for everyone. (PLAN not PAN dain it).

Apart from studies and the tragic passing of investigatores, we contacted the whole week. Sooooooo....oo..o that. I wish I could tell you more things but everyday is the same day. yay.

Okay see ya in like 9 months.

-Hermana Baer

9 months of hard labor = 2 empenadas de Queso. Totes worth it.

my fab compy at JACKS american burgers. rull good.

How ya like them apples?

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